#CBO says people will choose to work less because of #Obamacare – "No thanks, I don't need any more money now that I have Dental".
— Jacksonian March (@cnvii77) February 5, 2014
And it’s totally good news, guys! According to the lying liars who lie in the Obama administration, at least. More from Hot Air:
I’m done, guys. If we’ve reached the stage of welfare-state decadence where it’s a selling point for a new entitlement that it discourages able-bodied people from working, there’s no reason to keep going. We’ve lost, decisively.
As a great man once said, remember me as I am — filled with murderous rage.
Yep. The shake fisty is strong with this one.
Higher taxes, more government subsidy, less work. The trifecta of bad economics. #dom
"The new, larger… http://t.co/y8Av0oj91w
— The Devil's Advocates Radio (@devilradio) February 5, 2014
As Twitchy reported, lapdogs over at HuffPo jumped in to wag their tails and further the absurd spin. Fox News’ Martha MacCallum is no lapdog. As always, she has cut right to the chase with a truth bomb.
Lemme get this right: companies used to incentivize hard work with benefits, now the govt discourages it with benefits?
— Martha MacCallum (@marthamaccallum) February 5, 2014
Yay? RT @marthamaccallum: Lemme get this right: companies used to incentivize hard work w benefits, now govt discourages it with benefits?
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) February 5, 2014
NUTS!!! “@marthamaccallum: Lemme get this right: companies used to incentivize hard work w benefits, now govt discourages it with benefits?”
— Juan E Toro (@JET457) February 5, 2014
@marthamaccallum @4enzicTom Right on, as usual. How is it that Fox News managed to corner the market on SMART blondes? #DealWithTheDevil
— Xisus is raisin (@Micky_Finn) February 5, 2014
@marthamaccallum Excellent observation. If things don't change our next generation is doomed to mediocrity & a welfare state country 🙁
— Virginia (@VBaus) February 5, 2014
@marthamaccallum AND makes the companies/producers pay for it! #wakeUP #GoGalt
— Heidi Holland Theis (@HeidiTheis) February 5, 2014
@mkhammer @marthamaccallum 'bout sums it up. WH: It's a good thing. Pelosi's dream – everyone can quit & be a painter
— GlobalTrvlr (@BillWStl) February 5, 2014
It’s not funny, because it’s true!
And this Twitter user puts it in a nutshell:
‘Pelosi-level stupid’: HuffPo reporter says Obamacare will set millions of workers ‘free’
Heh: Is this how Obama and his lapdogs will explain CBO’s ugly Obamacare projections?
‘Are you really this stupid?’ Dizzy HuffPo editor spins CBO’s lousy Obamacare estimates
Cool it, America: Jay Carney says freedom ain’t nothin’ but a ‘buzzword’
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