President Obama and OFA teamed up for an Obamacare video on the heels of the disastrous launch. Which is really weird, too. Isn’t OFA totally non-partisan and it’s super peachy that it runs the @BarackObama Twitter account? No association! Wink wink!
President Obama recorded a message for @OFA supporters about @Obamacare. Watch here:
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 22, 2013
It’s more than just a website—it’s the law. Listen to @BarackObama’s personal message, then join Team #Obamacare:
— All On The Line PA (@allontheline_pa) October 23, 2013
Ah, the good old “It’s. The. Law” sneering arrogance!
"@BarackObama: Watch President Obama discuss @Obamacare: "It's more than just a website." No.. it's barely even a website
— Jason Superior (@SupesLucky) October 23, 2013
Citizens rightly mock like the wind.
There is so much more to kausfiles than a web site.
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) October 22, 2013
Excellent way to turn it into self-promotion with giggles!
@BarackObama Yes, it IS more than just a website. & you couldn't even handle the website part, which is the easy part. #FAIL @obamacare
— SmokeNMirrors71 (@SmokeNMirrors71) October 23, 2013
It’s “more than a website”? Yep, that’s the problem, champ. You know what it is? Let these Americans explain:
Obama: "The Affordable Care Act is much more than a website." Yep. It's an historical train wreck waiting to happen
— ScottEPetersen (@GolfNutRiblick) October 23, 2013
Obama: "ObamaCare is more than a website." He's right. It's a #trainwreck #tgdn #tcot
— Dorothy Grissom (@DorothyGrissom) October 23, 2013
@BarackObama Yeah it's definitely more than a website… It's a train wreck and you are just idly standing by! Thank you Mr. President!!!
— JB (@jabar273) October 23, 2013
@BarackObama @obamacare Understatement of the year: "It's more than just a website"… It's a complete TRAIN WRECK!"
— Don Pearson (@DonPearson1952) October 23, 2013
It is more than just a web site, it's increased premiums, corporate handout, tax on the poor & a complete #trainwreck. Thx for the reminder
— ???? (@Rockprincess818) October 21, 2013
Train wreck indeed. Time for the classic Obamacare train wreck picture? Of course it is! It’s always time. (h/t @CuffyMeh)
Rep. Stockman sums it up in his own way.
ObamaCare is more than a website. It's a special interest giveaway that raises the cost of health insurance then fines you for not buying it
— Steve Stockman (@SteveWorks4You) October 21, 2013
Yep. It’s also cancellation notices, loss of jobs and doubled and tripled premiums.
Heckuva job, champ. But, you know, here’s a snazzy video.
O-Scare avalanche: Escaped cancellation notice? Americans ‘keep’ doubled, tripled premiums
Heckuva job, President ShamWow! Americans: ‘I lost my job due to Obamacare’
Brit Hume slams WH O-Care ‘supposed’ success stories; Citizen shares his ‘success’ [pic]
Hey, look! Media finally notice Americans are getting insurance cancellation notices!
Obamacare train wreck: Americans tweet anger, surprise over cancellations, higher premiums
WH flack @HealthCareTara pushes MMFA spin; Crickets when citizens tell her ‘my plan was canceled’
Finally! Citizen discovers what Obama means by ‘let me be clear’ [pic]
‘I’m going to have to cook some meth’: ‘Affordable care’ plans not so affordable
‘Thanks to Obamacare’: Rep. Gardner opts out of federal health care, his insurance plan is canceled
Health insurers to customers: If you like your plan, you can keep … nah, you’re screwed
Hey, know what you get to ‘keep’ with Obamacare? Cancellation notices
‘Affordable’ care: NC family’s health insurance premiums to skyrocket 430 percent
Not-so-Affordable Care Act: Tweeters sickened by rising health care premiums
Put on your shocked face: Health insurance companies warn premiums could ‘increase sharply’
Ted Cruz: Has the cost of your health insurance increased? Citizens: My premium skyrocketed
Bless her heart: Donna Brazile blames ‘price gauging’ not Obamacare for rising premiums
Funniest tweet of the day: Donna Brazile has ‘no good answer’ to explain ‘why my premium jumped up’
Ho-ho-hope and change: Health insurance premiums skyrocket just in time for Christmas
‘It’s. The. Law.’: White House sneering tweet rubs Obamacare in faces; Boehner, citizens blast
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