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Hilarious! Obamacare 'success' nutshelled by Debbie Wasserman Schultz's face [pic]

Pitiful. Yet hilarious!

Befuddled, thy name is Debbie. To be fair, does she have an excuse?



Other Twitter users can’t help noticing how flummoxed Debbie Wasserman Schultz was. Numbers? Dude, so very hard.

It’s also totally “unfair” and stuff. How dare you plebs want to know facts and figures?

Glitches? Whatever. Let them eat 404 errors.

Speaking of which, Ms. Wasserman Schultz’s face puts Obamacare in a side-splitting nutshell.

Oh that’s just perfect. Perfect.


The system worked? Check out the Obamacare website’s ridiculous definition of ‘success’ [pics]

Truth-ache! Errors in a nutshell: Don’t miss this perfect Obamacare ‘glitch’ pic

Jonah Goldberg: ‘Glitchy’ doesn’t properly describe Obamacare’s broken website

Media lapdogs gladly hump Master Obama’s leg; Hume, Baier, Housley call them out


‘Hire a hacker, noobs’: ‘Improved’ Obamacare website ‘worse than last week’ [screenshots]

Are Obamacare signup numbers ‘embarrassingly small’? Jack Lew won’t say

WH, HuffPo tout Colo. O-care ‘enrollment’ numbering in the one; Journo flummoxed by reality

Obamacare website functionality held hostage, day 5; The frustration and mockery continues

Glitchy: being taken down this weekend for ‘further improvements’; Updated

Guess how many of Kathleen Sebelius’ 3 Obamacare ‘success stories’ have actually enrolled

‘Metaphor alert!’ WH touts high number of visitors to O-care website; Enrolled? Crickets

Lapdogs unleashed? Snort! WaPo smacks WH with mythical Obamacare enrollment story, bonus unicorn [pic]

Heh: Journo resorts to drastic measures to find just one Obamacare applicant in Texas

Guess how many people have enrolled in Louisiana’s largest Obamacare plan?

Reach for the stars! Connecticut Obamacare enrollment exceeds baker’s dozen in 3 hours

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