Actor Adam Baldwin took on Amanda Marcotte and her idiocy today, after she labeled him a “crazed gun nut” and a “sexist pig.”
Where is her latest delusional persecution complex stemming from? Once again, her own idiocy. As Twitchy reported, the dim-witted Marcotte bowed down to her paternalistic, liberal gun-grabbing masters when weighing in on the foul rape comments made by the cretinous Bob Beckel. Suck it up, ladies! It’s better to be raped than to shoot a rapist.
Hypocrisy and twisted “logic” that seeks to empower women … by disempowering them?
Listen, why not just admit you twisted yourself into a pretzel and none of your arguments make sense? @AmandaMarcotte
— RBe (@RBPundit) February 21, 2013
Plus, does she ever get out of her soy latte-riddled Ivory tower?
@adamsbaldwin …Hold up? You're a CONSERVATIVE? YOU? How long have you been HIDING this from us?
— Moe Lane (@Ogiel23) (@moelane) February 21, 2013
Heh. Marcotte, the “empowered” woman, then does what all strong and independent women do. She bravely runs away.
Yes, rather than defend her position (women shouldn't be allowed to choose to be armed) @AmandaMarcotte blocked me. I win.
— RBe (@RBPundit) February 21, 2013
Aww. Maybe President Obama will pull a Fluke move and give her a phone call, so he can pat her on her poor, little head. In the meantime, giving Twitter users are trying to explain some facts of life to Ms. Marcotte, including how to truly be empowered.
@adamsbaldwin More seriously: this is why Marcotte has never gotten anywhere. The woman has the intellectual curiosity of a brick.
— Moe Lane (@Ogiel23) (@moelane) February 21, 2013
@adamsbaldwin Why is this "empowered woman" acting like a victim over blowback from her offensive rhetoric? Silly.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) February 21, 2013
@adamsbaldwin @AmandaMarcotte And “gun nut”? Hilarious term. By that logic our founding fathers were “gun nuts” too, and proud of it!
— Mike Beasley (@MikeBeas) February 21, 2013
@adamsbaldwin @AmandaMarcotte LOL you’re a misogynist because you think women should be able to defend themselves. OH THE HORROR!
— Mike Beasley (@MikeBeas) February 21, 2013
@adamsbaldwin Projection. @AmandaMarcotte is the sexist pig for thinking I should be jailed if I shoot a rapist.
— KJ (@thekelliejane) February 21, 2013
@AmandaMarcotte @adamsbaldwin sexist pig? Gun nut? You've clearly got him confused with ALEC Baldwin.
— orlandopalm (@orlandopalm) February 21, 2013
Zing! But he has a (D) next to his name, so he gets a pass. “Feminists” like Ms. Marcotte aid leftist men in their war on women.
Adam Baldwin himself sums it all up.
Her irrational liberal logic, which says men who support a woman’s right to self-defense are sexist pigs, is logical only when one continuously shrouds herself in veil of victim-hood. To “feminists,” fighting like a girl means leaving women powerless. It’s for their own good and all. Wow. You’ve come a long way, baby!
No, thank you. We’ll stick with the Right.
Now that’s empowerment!
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