Truth shmuth! What’s really important is lambasting meany pants Republicans for, you know, asking pertinent questions. As Twitchy reported, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was on Capitol Hill today to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Benghazi. Democrats swiftly tried to create a diversion. But Republican senators would have none of that, and continued to ask probing questions that resulted in highly disturbing answers. Where were President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton? Voting present.
#WhatDifferenceDoesItMake RT: @SharylAttkisson: Panetta: I did not speak to Pres. Obama or Secy Clinton throughout the Benghazi attacks.
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) February 7, 2013
Graham questioned Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta on the #Benghazi attack earlier today. WATCH:
— Lindsey Graham (@GrahamBlog) February 7, 2013
To the absurdity known as Senator McCaskill, that was no big whoop. In fact, the real problem was that those questions were asked. So mean and “withering!”
Senator Claire McCaskill (D) says she feels sorry Panetta got probing questions from Senator Graham (R) about Benghazi.
— Karen Doe (@KarenDoe50) February 7, 2013
Dem. Sen. Claire McCaskill just trashed Sen. Lindsey Graham's questioning of Panetta. This is all political. Graham probed well. @FoxNews
— Jill S. (@JillBernadette3) February 7, 2013
@clairecmc sucking up to Leon Panetta and chastizing @GrahamBlog on his questioning. LAUGHABLE!
— Susan Reaney (@SSReaney) February 7, 2013
@clairecmc "felt sorry" for #LeonPaneta because he had to contend with @GrahamBlog's unrelenting questioning. WTF! She must want a cake walk
— Joe American (@MidAmericanGuy) February 7, 2013
McCaskill feeling sorry for Panetta. How about feeling sorry for the four men that died? These people are a joke.
— Suzanne Swickert (@SuzanSwickert) February 7, 2013
McCaskill says she almost felt sorry for Dempsey under Graham's questioning, but realized "you'd be OK." What about CJCS? #Benghazi
— John T. Bennett (@BennettJohnT) February 7, 2013
Sen. McCaskill "feels sorry for Panetta" bc of Graham's questions. Graham appropriately laughed. Then she said Panetta would be just fine!
— RepubliKim (@RepubliKim) February 7, 2013
Oh, well. As long as Panetta will be just fine.
McCaskill's praise of Panetta is nauseating. Just ask a question already. #Benghazi #tcot @PJTatler
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) February 7, 2013
Yep, get your hurl buckets. She then blathered on in a manner that had many scratching their heads.
I have no clue what the hell McCaskill is getting at here.
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) February 7, 2013
Claire McCaskill Talking about everything but #Benghazi
— Victoria Taft (@VictoriaTaft) February 7, 2013
I don't believe I have ever heard a more scatter brained senator than Claire McCaskill from Missouri.
— Heaven Help Us (@Greermillion) February 7, 2013
Shorter Claire McCaskill….no, that's what I'm asking for. For her to talk less.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) February 7, 2013
Heh. Not so funny? This.
@clairecmc This is a BENGHAZI hearing! Could you ask one pertinent question regarding our 4 dead patriots? Aren't their deaths important?
— BeachGirl (@BeachGirl5) February 7, 2013
Dem Sen. McCaskill is complaining abt money spent at embassies + is very concerned about Kabul. Hello! #Benghazi hearing! 4 dead Americans!
— RepubliKim (@RepubliKim) February 7, 2013
McCaskill, is a total idiot, apologizing for Sen Graham. He's trying to get to the TRUTH unlike you.
— MJK ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@jane747) February 7, 2013
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