Zing! “Red Eye” host Greg Gutfeld is none too pleased with Esquire’s Tom Junod, who recently wrote a blog post slamming Fox News.
And the Twitter spat went on from there.
.@greggutfeld Welfare and food stamps — hilarious. Does Ailes write your jokes, or just approve them?
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
Yuk, yuk, yuk. Ailes and evil Faux News! Or something.
@TomJunod that wasn't a joke. That's your career!
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
Heh. Junod continues attempting to throw trash talk curveballs, and Gutfeld slams them all out of the park.
.@greggutfeld From the guy who fills the all-important "funnier than Hannity" slot at Fox.
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
.@TomJunod Wow, impressive stuff. Don't u have a ten thousand word piece on the death of your gold fish to flesh out before noon?
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
.@greggutfeld No. On the Plight of the Professional Asshole. "He's a pro, so he's gotta keep on showing up."
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
.@TomJunod I totally get it. Once promising, now aging – copying the leftist assumptions of fellow hacks guarantees 4 bux a word.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
.@greggutfeld I get it too — wanted to follow in the footsteps of Dave Zinczenko, but your feet were too small.
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
@TomJunod I do have delicate feet. That is true. But they smell better than your purple prose.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
.@greggutfeld This is the best you can do? You were funnier when you were the editor of Stuff…I mean Maxim…I mean…
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
@TomJunod Ah, the "you were funnier when…" retort. What's next? "What's the deal with airline food?" Esquire is truly blessed.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
.@greggutfeld C'mon, you're better when you're trying to rip off Dennis Miler than when you're trying to rip off Seinfeld.
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
@TomJunod I commend you, on ripping off yourself, month after month. Please continue with your thoughtful think pieces on cologne.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
.@greggutfeld "Blah blah FOOD STAMPS grumble grumble WELFARE yawn yawn LEFTIST…" Takes a special guy to keep thinking that shit's funny.
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
.@TomJunod Takes a special guy to churn out dreck for an irrelevent mens mag and think he's edgy. dude, you're as edgy as a Hostess Snowball
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
.@greggutfeld Whoa, and to think this whole thing began when I said you were like a grownup version of the E-Trade Baby.Downhill from there.
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
That oh-so-clever line was in Junod’s Fox-slamming post. Evidently, he has to regurgitate his own lines.
Gutfeld continues with some fun facts!
Fun fact: a capsule of Ambien contains three ground up @tomjunod articles.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
According to PETA, reading a @tomjunod article out loud to a small pet could put it to sleep permanently.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
Jack Kevorkian's favorite method of euthanasia was reading a @tomJunod article out loud to his patient.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
Warning to pet lovers: When you line a bird cage with a @tomjunod article, the bird will die from boredom.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
And that concludes my @tomjunod tweets for this afternoon. Unlike Tom, I have a job.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
@greggutfeld Yeah. You can tell your staff's in, because they started writing jokes for you.
— Tom Junod (@TomJunod) January 24, 2013
Oh, honey.
More to come? Alas, something is missing.
@gabrielsnyder @TomJunod agreed
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) January 24, 2013
We’ll meet you again on Twitter, fellas. Only next time, bring the beer!
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