Wait, what? Isn’t the campaign over?
RT @ZekeJMiller: OFA stepping into high gear “@BarackObama: Help by picking up the phone: http://t.co/9PFws0Gq, http://t.co/AFIlyteM
— Mickey White (@BiasedGirl) December 10, 2012
Not in Obama Land, where campaigning never ends. Liar pants Stephanie Cutter recently sent out a breathless email on the fiscal cliff. Then, the official White House website displayed political #My2K tweets. Now, this (featuring Liar Pants Cutter again).
Help the President by picking up the phone: http://t.co/M3eHxlmi, pic.twitter.com/kwS9igKq
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 10, 2012
Just pick up the phone, rubes. It’s the least you can do. For him.
Heh. And this Twitter user has another idea.
Keep the truth telling coming, Twitter.
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