Zing! That Twitter user got the hilarity ball rolling. Twitter users had a blast today while wishing Democrat Massachusetts Senate candidate, and faux Cherokee, Elizabeth“Lie-awatha” Warren a happy Columbus Day. Let the giggles begin!
RT @JonahNRO: This is the most confusing day of the year for Liz Warren RT @PatrickRuffini Happy fake holiday everyone!
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) October 8, 2012
Are you perchance related to Elizabeth Warren? RT "@jeffemanuel: I'm also half Indian and I support Columbus Day"
— Miao (@MiaoReport) October 8, 2012
@elizabethforma Happy Columbus Day! (Or do "your people" not celebrate it? So confusing!)
— (((Beth C:))) (@bamapachyderm) October 8, 2012
.@ElizabethForMA: I hear ya bro RT @toddstarnes: Obama recalls "tragic burdens" of "indigenous peoples" on ColumbusDay http://t.co/O0TlqrQQ
— BarbaraMcMahon((?)) (@southsalem) October 8, 2012
@DLoesch Do you think #fauxahontis @elizabethforma will be in Plymouth MA protesting Columbus Day today?
— NavyTim (@ChiefNavyTim) October 8, 2012
I wonder how Lizzy "Dances With Identity Theft" Warren is celebrating Columbus Day? #masen #indiancuzgrammasezso #liar #godblessitalians
— Lowcountry??????Laura (@LauraGina) October 8, 2012
I love you for this and much more! RT @soopertrev Happy Columbus Day @elizabethforma! Deal with it. #MAsen
— RedEye FOREVER (@RedEyeAlerts) October 8, 2012
Columbus Day has to be bitter sweet for Elizabeth Warren
— Chris Stinson (@crstinso) October 8, 2012
I bet she's 1/32 Italian. RT @cuffymeh: Happy Columbus Day! Unless you're Elizabeth Warren. #masen
— Cheryl (@ShadowShook) October 8, 2012
Will that be her next claim? Stay tuned! In the meantime, keep it coming, Twitter.
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