Why would she wonder that, one might ask? Well, you see, lefties are evidently completely out of their minds. As Twitchy reported, the first bout of liberal outrage after Romney’s tax information was released was that he paid too much in taxes. No, really. Now, they must be humiliated by his incredibly generous charitable contributions. You see, Romney leads by example. This does not suit.
Plus, as we know, it is the Left that is full of anti-Mormon bigotry. So, the next unhinged outrage?
I give it till Monday for the press to say Romney's charitable giving was all to the Mormon Church. Then: they go after Mormonism.
— CatsPolitics (@CatsPolitics) September 21, 2012
Left criticizing Romney charity to Mormon church. Obama gave almost $54K to Jeremiah Wright's church 2005-2007. Jeremiah. F-ing. Wright.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 21, 2012
Romney’s staggering charitable contributions do not count. Because, Mormon church. Or something.
Again, reminder: #Romney's "charity" bankrolled hate legislation Prop 8 in CA. http://t.co/HPKrajO8
— femalepersuasion.net (@femalep) September 21, 2012
Sneer quotes! It’s not really charity, if it’s icky old Mormons!
Well? http://t.co/bCOEVFKB @TPCarney @DanFosterNRO You'll be reading a lot abt how Romney's donations to his church werent *real* charity
— Jack Shafer (@jackshafer) September 21, 2012
And here it comes …
I really wish news organizations would quit lumping Romney's LDS tithe in with his "charity" contributions. Not quite the same thing IMO.
— Jason Byrne (@geekwithsoul) September 21, 2012
@slatest do we know how much of Romney’s donations went to the Mormon church? Or how those are outlined in his tax returns?
— Kelsey Ward (@Wardkmama) September 21, 2012
Romney gave away a lot to the Mormon church/ they gave it back to his superpac
— Cathy Phillips (@cphillips505) September 21, 2012
@stevebeste I want to know…is #Romney's "charity" the Mormon Church???
— Al Clements (@afc33125) September 21, 2012
Required giving to church shouldn't count. MT @politico Mitt Romney gives more to charity than Pres. Obama, Joe Biden http://t.co/rqVzSB1K
— Erin Sutherland (@erincarly) September 21, 2012
I presume that the $4m that Romney gave to 'charity' was simply money he funneled into the Mormon Church?
— CURmudgeon (@Swampwulf) September 21, 2012
Romney giving charity to the Mormon church is like Diddy buying all the Ciroc at the club. that money is going right back in his pocket.
— ? c h o p p a h ? (@iamchoppah) September 21, 2012
romney is only incredibly generous if the majority of his charitable donations doesn't go to his church (which are mandatory)
— HappaWolves ? (@HappaWolves) September 21, 2012
Mittens nice charitable donations number? Most of it is clearly going to the Mormon Church #FridayNewsDump #romney
— Hannah RM (@veronicafeverx) September 21, 2012
I guess Romney didn't want the LDS church to think he under-tithed?
— Clark Matthews (@clarkmatthews) September 21, 2012
@wbconservative Romney didn't donate to charity, he donated to the wealthy Mormon Church. #p2 #tcot
— Terrell D. Lewis (@TerrellDLewis) September 21, 2012
The unhinged, it scorches!
so 30% of your income went to whom? RT @mjayrosenberg Romney's charitable deductions are bullshit: he supports the Mormon Church.not charity
— Wendy (@wendysboys) September 21, 2012
Zing! Bingo.
This is all they have and it’s easy for them to hop right on that train, being anti-Mormon bigots and all. And, clearly, not knowing the meaning of charity and giving. All they do is take.
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