Laughing and smiling? Heaven forfend! How dare he not consider members of the media and their absurd spin attempts of the utmost import?
Can’t he just implode like the press wants? He should be curled up in the fetal position, crying! WHAT ABOUT HIS GAFFES??!11
CNN’s Jim Acosta can’t believe it and breathlessly reports the breaking news: A smile.
Romney just stood up on the plane and smiled. If he's sweating the news cycle, he's not showing it.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) September 18, 2012
Egads! The horror. Why isn’t he sweating the “news cycle” on which the lapdoggies have worked so hard? By news cycle, we, of course, mean false narrative pushing and Obama cheerleading.
CNN retweeted it. Because, breaking news!
RT @CNN: RT @jimacostacnn: Romney just stood up on the plane and smiled. If he's sweating the news cycle, he's not showing it.
— 'Lamide (@0lamide) September 18, 2012
#MediaFail RT @JimACostaCNN: Romney just stood up on the plane and smiled. If he's sweating the news cycle, he's not showing it. @NolteNC
— David Henry (@imau2fan) September 18, 2012
@jimacostacnn Honestly what do you think he should be sweating?!? I don't see the shocking revelation or even minor gaffe. #mediaechochamber
— Kevin Ecker (@kevinecker) September 18, 2012
And, of course, a lefty had to weigh in with some ant-Mormon bigotry.
Maybe In The Magic Underwear? RT @jimacostacnn: Romney just stood up on the plane & smiled.If he's sweating news cycle, he's not showing it.
— Jeff Gauvin (@JeffersonObama) September 18, 2012
Fail again, lapdogs.
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