First, the Pentagon called Pastor Jones to ask him to withdraw his support for the film that is being used as a lame pretext to explain the Islamist mobs attacking our embassies. Today, Press secretary Carney did the same. And the White House contacted YouTube in order to get the video removed. The violent attacks and burning embassies aren’t a result of Islamists who want to kill us. No, no. They are all about a crummy video.
Obama Administration Asks YouTube to Remove Mohammed Film | FrontPage Magazine:
— Daniel Greenfield #SaferWithTheConstitution (@Sultanknish) September 14, 2012
Free speech, shmee speech! Obama and his lapdogs in the media have an agenda to push, even if it means stomping on The Constitution and attempting to quash free speech.
Citizens are, of course, outraged.
What do you call government agents hunting down an American for the crime of making a video? Diplomacy.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 14, 2012
Muslims rape, murder, pillage… and the Obama justice department responds: By fingering the filmmaker!: #tcot #p2
— Leo Pusateri (@Leo_Pusateri) September 14, 2012
To recap, Egypt continues to get checks from the Treasury Dept; the guy who made the video gets "located" by the Justice Dept.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 14, 2012
Enlist in the US Media and help G-Men track down dangerous blasphemers!
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 14, 2012
Violent foreign mob: "death to American who made movie!" US Justice Dept: "we'll go find him for you."
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 14, 2012
Did they not have far to look, to boot? Some are claiming that he is a federal informant.
Californian behind Mohammed movie that has Middle East in flames is a meth-making federal informer /
— Jennifer Meadows (@jmgraceland) September 14, 2012
Was Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, aka "Sam Bacile," an informant?
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) September 14, 2012
[consults list of Amendments] RT @RichardGrenell: NPR just reported that the "White House asked YouTube to pull down the film"
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) September 14, 2012
LAT reports #Google decision to block "Innocence of the Muslims" prompted by request from White House. #NetFreedom
— TimKarr (@TimKarr) September 14, 2012
White House…will u b asking YouTube to take down all anti-Christian @ other religious videos?…..crickets heard.
— BlackDawnSky (@tgby7j7r4r4fc) September 14, 2012
I'm guessing the White House did not use the YouTube comment submission form to pass along their "request."
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) September 14, 2012
Iowahawk continues with his epic drubbing.
Breaking: 1st Amendment overturned by 9th District Egyptian lynch mob.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 14, 2012
Remember the Hollywood blacklist, when movie makers lost their jobs? Now the US government wants movie makers to lose their heads.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 14, 2012
Will no one rid me of this meddlesome video maker? – King Downgrade I
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 14, 2012
America – proudly legalizing blasphemy since 1788. Let's keep it that way.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 14, 2012
Longtime readers of my blogs will not be surprised by YouTube’s dhimmitude. I encountered the AllahTube/Dhimmitube censors in 2006 during the Mohammed Cartoons conflagration, when I first posted aninnocuous, little homemade clip about the Religion of Perpetual Outrage’s war on Western free speech titled “First, They Came.”Over the years, the whitewashing of Google/YouTube to protect radical Muslim sensitivities has been well-documented.
Carney, of course, dodges.
wow. RT @alanagoodman: Carney punted on question of whether WH asked youtube to remove video.
— ¡El Sooopèrr! ن c137 (@SooperMexican) September 14, 2012
And members of the media? Helping to run the witch hunt against the filmmaker.
Hey @AP, shouldn't your headline "US Braces from More Violence from Anti-Muslim Film" read "…from Anti-Free Speech Muslims?"
— Brandon Darby (@brandondarby) September 14, 2012
.@BrianRoss @ABCWorldNews Can you tell me his address so that he might be murdered more quickly?
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) September 13, 2012
And, as Ace shows, it’s not just Brian Ross:
By the way, the LAT does, yes, tell jihadists exactly where the filmmaker lives, so they can kill him:
But Duarte’s deputy city manager said she had been told by sheriff’s officials that the permits to shoot the movie had been issued to Media for Christ. An actor who appeared in the movie, Tim Dax, said he was paid $75 a day in checks drawn on the bank account of Abanob Basseley Nakoula — a name linked to the Cerritos property where Nakoula Basseley Nakoula resides. The home’s distinctive front door with triangle windows in a half-circle pattern is visible in the 14-minute trailer for the movie posted on YouTube.
Chuck Todd tries to cover for the White House and blame the filmmaker as well.
To clarify, the WH did not ask YouTube to pull the video; they asked YouTube to review the video to see if it violated their policies
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) September 14, 2012
Here @ChuckTodd, let me explain it to you: The White House said "Hey YouTube… can you figure out a way to take that down? Thanks!" #moron
— RBe (@RBPundit) September 14, 2012
Pesky facts!
Headline: media risking filmmaker lives to save Obama.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 14, 2012
The media has now investigated the background of a guy who made a crap movie more than the background of the President
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 13, 2012
Request: Has anyone seen any media reports about First Amendment concerns related to US targeting of "filmmaker"?
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) September 14, 2012
The media and the Smarty Pantsers don’t believe in free speech. In fact, they think that standing up for free speech is actually betraying it. Or something. Just ask Slate’s William Saletan. And these Twitter users sum it up.
White house nudging YouTube to pull the video is more offensive than the thing itself. By a mile.
— Landon Ross (@LandonRoss) September 14, 2012
The Obama administration is once again seeking to quash free speech by condemning its free exercise. This time, they are making sure it’s totally quashed and not just condemned. To Team Obama, the principles upon which this great nation was founded are just a pesky hurdle to overcome.
Google says the video doesn’t violate the YouTube TOS and will remain online.
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