The U.S. Embassy in Cairo actually tweeted that. On September 11th. For reals:
The Embassy apparently was trying to head off a backlash as Egyptian Muslims reacted angrily to a U.S.-produced film that critics say is insulting to the Prophet Muhammad. The embassy released a statement of appeasement, and was rewarded later in the day by a rampaging mob which stormed the embassy, tearing down its flag.
RT @davidharsanyi: Good news: The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns free speech
— Melissa Mackenzie (@MelissaTweets) September 11, 2012
U.S. Embassy Condemns Religious Incitement
September 11, 2012
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others
Memo to President Obama and the U.S. embassy: They want to kill us, stupid. Your insane thinking, which condones such barbarism by persisting in delusional moral equivalency is revolting. You are excusing anything and everything by taking away any culpability people have for their own actions.
It gets even worse. The embassy has a Twitter account. And the person running the account is beyond the appeasement pale.
Citizens give the U.S. embassy the business. Rightfully so.
@omarali50 cowering in hopes of not getting hurt isn't why we have embassies @Sam_Schulman @robertcaruso @USEmbassyCairo
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) September 11, 2012
@petertadrosau President Obama is a Christian and he has always shown the utmost respect for all faiths
— U.S. Embassy Cairo (@USEmbassyCairo) September 11, 2012
.@USEmbassyCairo I'm pretty sure Iran is doing stuff that would make me cry. Can I run riot on their embassy on a solemn anniversary?
— Paul Leone (@paul_leone) September 11, 2012
@KC_EDM we're not condemning rights, we're criticizing specific statements, a right guaranteed by freedom of expression
— U.S. Embassy Cairo (@USEmbassyCairo) September 11, 2012
@USEmbassyCairo Ah, so you are back online. When are you going to condemn the invasion of US Soil happening literally under your nose?
— Lord Woodstone (Toss all MAPS out the airlock) (@EricMertz_KC) September 11, 2012
If you only support free speech up to the point someone's feelings are hurt, you don't actually support free speech. cc: @USEmbassyCairo
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) September 11, 2012
Has the person running the @USEmbassyCairo feed ever been to the US? How about just read a book about it?
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) September 11, 2012
RT @DrewMTips I'm sick of week kneed "diplomats" like whoever is running the @USEmbassyCairo's feed. Stand up for American values.
— Rhonda Koenig (@Rhondako) September 11, 2012
.@USEmbassyCairo The attack on the embassy today hurt *my* feelings — do you also condemn that, or are you too busy grabbing your ankles?
— Angela (one of many) (@angelaisms) September 11, 2012
What a day – 9/11 comes after campaigning for @BarackObama, and @USEmbassyCairo has battered woman syndrome. #Pathetic #Disgusted
— Angela (one of many) (@angelaisms) September 11, 2012
Why is the Left so racist? Their bigotry shows every time the claim that people just don’t know any better and are reacting with savagery out of “hurt feelings” or the like. Willing dupes, you see, who are easily led and cannot possibly ever function under their own accord. Appease! Appease like the wind! Give them a little cookie and a pat on the head.
Further, evil exists. The end.
Update: Embassy continues tweeting.
.@USEmbassyCairo is back online and still kowtowing to the violent protesters who breached our embassy and destroyed our flag. Disgraceful.
— Sunny McSunnyface (@sunnyright) September 11, 2012
"Demonstrations"!! RT @USEmbassyCairo: Due to demonstrations, there will be no visa services tomorrow, Sept. 12.
— Oren Kessler (@OrenKessler) September 11, 2012
As Spokesperson Nuland said, protestors breached our wall and took down flag. Thanks for your concern and kind wishes
— U.S. Embassy Cairo (@USEmbassyCairo) September 11, 2012
1) Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
— U.S. Embassy Cairo (@USEmbassyCairo) September 11, 2012
2) Of course we condemn breaches of our compound, we're the ones actually living through this.
— U.S. Embassy Cairo (@USEmbassyCairo) September 11, 2012
They will continue “criticizing bigotry.” And calling violent mobs “a demonstration,” evidently.
3) Sorry, but neither breaches of our compound or angry messages will dissuade us from defending freedom of speech AND criticizing bigotry
— U.S. Embassy Cairo (@USEmbassyCairo) September 11, 2012
What’s next? Will they follow Obama’s lead and physically bow to the mob, too? Or will they channel Mayor Bloomberg and say that the mob must have been upset by the health care law? The Left demonizes America and its citizens, apologize to those who wish to kill us, and frantically try to avoid looking non-politically correct. The only time they even utter the term Muslim is when they are accusing everyone else of being racist half-wits. When will it end? When will they stop sacrificing lives on the altar of multiculturalism?
The U S embassy response to demonstrators climbing walls,tearing down the American flag,tearing it to pieces is so weak it is embarrassing
— newtgingrich (@newtgingrich) September 11, 2012
RT @dcseth: I wonder what Edible Arrangement the @USEmbassyCairo sent to al Qaeda's Egypt office as an apology?
— Randall Hodge (@RHodgeLaw) September 11, 2012
@KatMcKinley @USEmbassyCairo @GayPatriot I will on Nov 6
— David (@AngryDingo) September 11, 2012
.@USEmbassyCairo Our embassy was breached and you're apologizing? Who is running this twitter account? What an embarrassment to the U.S.
— Nicholas Augusta (@naugusta) September 11, 2012
Correction: An earlier version of this post reported that the U.S. Embassy statement came on the heels of the attack on the embassy compound. The statement was actually issued prior. In the wake of the attack, the embassy stands by its earlier apology:
US Embassy of Cairo was standing by its condemnation as of three hours ago
— Sam Stein (@samstein) September 12, 2012
Update: The White House is reportedly disavowing the Embassy’s apology:
The Obama administration is disavowing a statement from its own Cairo embassy that apologized for anti-Muslim activity in the United States.
“The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government,” a senior administration official told POLITICO.
Update: The U.S. Embassy has deleted the tweet in which it affirmed its apology.
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