Oh, Hilary. You know that looks worse for President Obama, right?
Sen Claire McCaskill, a frequent presence on Obama plane in 2008, skipping the Dem convention because O too toxic. Incredible.
— Toby Harnden (@tobyharnden) June 26, 2012
As Twitchy reported earlier, Senator McCaskill is the latest Democrat in a red state who is choosing to skip the Democratic National Convention. Demplosion!
The President has clearly become radioactive. Distancing yourself now, Senator, is super transparent. And won’t work.
The senator got it from both sides today. Twitter users were united in their disdain, albeit for different reasons.
It sure is hard to remain a Democratic when one observes the party's leaders' craven behavior. http://t.co/AB2mIaQN
— Colley Cibber (@situate) June 26, 2012
@hilaryr I agree with you about @clairecmc &her not going to DNC.Its a diss to President. I'll add that it's cowardice&affects her turnout.
— #BobbysDaughter?????? (@Mama4Obama1) June 26, 2012
Claire McCaskill (@Clairecmc) Wants to Run as a Blue Dog. She Should Ask Blanche Lincoln How Well That Works. #TaxtheRich #OWS #p2
— TheNewDeal (@TheNewDeal) June 26, 2012
@clairecmc this will definitely make republicans support you! idiot.
— mike ? (@mikesbadtweets) June 26, 2012
@clairecmc Do you really think that skipping the DNC will help your electoral prospects? Stop caving to extreme right and stand on principle
— Darsh Suresh (@darsh5000) June 26, 2012
Extreme right? Check his poll numbers, dude.
@GOP @clairecmc You don't have to attend just vote along party lines. The GOP is attempting to smear your name in the interest of politics.
— Rod (@Rod34Man) June 26, 2012
As long as she still blindly votes along party lines, she’s A-okay!
Oh @clairecmc why aren't you going to the DNC? Come on. I really believed in you.
— emokidsloveme (@emokidsloveme) June 26, 2012
@clairecmc I'm no longer a MO voter, but I'm disappointed you're skipping the DNC. Hold true to your values and have pride in your party.
— Drew Zimmerman (@wdzimmy) June 26, 2012
Aww. Heartache!
Most see it for what it is; a move designed to try to distance herself from President Radioactive to save her own floundering political prospects.
@KLSouth @clairecmc The rats are jumping ship..
— Jim M (@ottomul) June 26, 2012
@KLSouth @clairecmc We are not fooled. Your not going to the convention doesn't make you any less liberal and wrong.
— Jeff & Sally Rucker (@StageStopLlamas) June 26, 2012
Have Dems tried to defend this as anything other than a chicken #%&$ move by @clairecmc http://t.co/3Y010IT6
— Mark Reardon (@MarkReardonKMOX) June 26, 2012
@TheNewDeal @Clairecmc She is already 8 pts behind competitor. Too Bad she tried to straddle the fence regarding supporting President.
— Donna Green (@ideawoman10) June 26, 2012
@clairecmc at 2008 DNC Convo: Barack Obama Is Going To Be One Great President
— Lance Trover (@LTrover) June 26, 2012
Oh, dear. Bet she wishes she hadn’t said that, huh?
Rut-roh! Is she racist?
Hi @clairecmc Me again. Say, I didn't see you skippin’ no convention when we had a white president!? #Missouri #MO #MOsen
— Kelly (@KLSouth) June 26, 2012
Senator McCaskill is now trying to backpedal.
McCaskill: if you had hard re-election,"would you go to a bunch of parties and glad-handing " or stay home to convince voters to rehire you?
— Steve Brusk (@stevebruskNews) June 26, 2012
Um. Isn’t that exactly what President Obama is doing?
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