No, for reals. He actually said that. President Obama actually said that he knows more about Judaism than any other President, because he read about it. Also, some of his best friends are Jewish. And he said this with what we have to assume was a straight face!
This is NOT a parody: 'Obama…Stressed He Probably Knows About Judaism More than Any Other President —
— Dan Senor (@dansenor) May 30, 2012
More from The Weekly Standard.
In the meeting, Obama reportedly boasted about his knowledge of Judaism, telling the leaders that he thinks he knows more “about Judaism” than all past presidents. He said he gained this knowledge of Judaism from reading.
“Obama … stressed he probably knows about Judaism more than any other president, because he read about it,” Haaretz reports. “[He] wondered how come no one asks Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner or Senate minority leader Mitch McConnel [sic] about their support to Israel.”
Similarly, he said to the group, “I [am] not going to tell you again how I even feel about Israel, but why [are] we still talking about it?”
He then suggested that he should not be questioned about his commitment to the Jewish state because “all his friends in Chicago were Jewish – and at the beginning of his political career he was accused of being a puppet of the Israel lobby,” Haaretz reports.
Sheesh, people, why the suspicion? He used the old “some of my best friends” trope and everything! And he read a book. Not his own book…not even his own wife has read that…but he has read some books. Case. Closed.
So, he doesn’t know anything about the atrocities committed against the Jewish in death camps, but he totally knows Judaism the bestest of the best. Because, books. Silly rubes just probably don’t understand the “nuance” of reading. We also wonder which books he has read. Perhaps the books he has read are like the pastor to whom he listens? Or maybe they were the same kind of books he read to learn to speak “Austrian?”
Obama wonders why nobody asks other politicians about support of Israel?? Probably because it's the President that handles foreign policy
— Kevin Ecker (@kevinecker) May 30, 2012
No, no. It’s bigotry, natch. See, it was further reported that President Obama went on to say that people thinking that he isn’t a friend of Israel is just all a result of Republican “bigotry.” Now seeing and reacting to the Obama administration’s atrocious record as pertains to Israel is bigotry. It seems truth is now a “dog whistle” code word.
Once again, Twitter users weigh in to provide another Teachable Moment ™. The President has acted stupidly.
Obama knows Judaism better than rabbis, Catholicism better than the pope, and Nazi death camps better than the Poles.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) May 30, 2012
Oy. RT @jeffemanuel: Obama claims to Jewish leaders that he "knows more "about Judaism" than all past presidents"
— Fred the Great (@fredontwittur) May 30, 2012
I guess it's Obama's great knowledge of Judaism that spurs him to argue Jerusalem's division is up for negotation.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) May 30, 2012
If you have any questions about your religion, history, or national heroes, for a modest donation Barack Obama will invent answers.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) May 30, 2012
If Obama knows more about Judaism than any other president and still acts this way re: Israel, he's talking to the wrong Jews.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) May 30, 2012
@Daroff @LiorWeintraub @JoshBlockDC @AmbassadorOren The problem with you guys is that none of you knows Judaism like Obama knows Judaism
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) May 30, 2012
Of course Barack Obama knows a lot about Judaism. He watched Topol in "Fiddler" high with the Choom Club.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) May 30, 2012
RT "@KenInEastman: #Obama is an expert on Judaism? Yeah, like Al Gore invented the internet. #ProgressivesAndTruthJustDontMix #tcot"
— Donna Cahill (@DTCahill) May 30, 2012
Obama has insulted Jews, Catholics, Georgians (fmr USSR), Poles, women, children, dogs, Britain, Israel, capitalism, etc. Get him out! #tcot
— Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) May 30, 2012
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