Mocking of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union with Candy Crowley” began even before the show did. But Ms. Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) stuck her foot in it further when she let her clear unease about the Wisconsin election show.
@Timodc @DWStweets @DaveMc99TA Welp that will get interesting
— Liberal Panic Attack (@Citizen_Chad) May 27, 2012
She said that the Wisconsin election, no matter the outcome, was really just a “dry run” for Team Obama. World revolves and all. Not so confident, eh, Debbie?
Team Obama may not be pleased with Wasserman Schultz as she also made clear that candidates should distance themselves from his administration and its utter failure.
She tried to backpedal on the Wisconsin comment on Twitter, but failed.
@GlennThrush let me be clear & direct: I will be in WI to raise $ & for GOTV push b/c @Barrett4WI well-positioned to win on 6/5. #WIRecall
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) May 27, 2012
@DWStweets @GlennThrush @Barrett4WI by well positioned do you mean behind by 5-7 points in every poll? You just want to cover POTUS' ass
— John Wayne (@Cabel12) May 27, 2012
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