The reactions are rolling in!
RINO Meghan McCain and liberal actor Michael Ian Black co-authored what must be a profound political tome: America, You Sexy Bitch: A Love Letter to Freedom.
Amazing hateful review of "America, You Sexy Bitch." We're obviously doing something right.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) June 12, 2012
I guess Meghan McCain's book is called "America You Sexy Bitch" because "I Am A Blithering Idiot" was already taken.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) June 12, 2012
Tell us how you really feel, John!
Betsy Woodruff reads Meghan McCain's book, so you have time to find God in a piece of cheesecake.
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) June 12, 2012
Self-admittedly, I'm not going to be picking up a copy of this:
— WUHAN!!! I Got You All In Check! (@Pqlyur1) June 12, 2012
Meghan McCain's new book is out but I'm still comfortably ahead on the political humor chart:
— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) June 12, 2012
@Gabby_Hoffman @McCainBlogette Apparently, the "tasteless, not funny and classless" book reflects its author. Meghan is an embarrassment.
— GretchenInOK (@GretchenInOK) June 12, 2012
Sounds like a bestseller! But it’s not all bad.
@McCainBlogette Just finished reading your book!
— UnwillingWidow (@RTRWIDOW) June 8, 2012
Does that mean she liked it?
@McCainBlogette so excited about the new book! Can't wait til I get my copy 🙂
— Nadilea (@NATTIJ) June 12, 2012
Based on our admittedly unscientific methodology, the Twitter negatives greatly outweigh the Twitter positives.
National Review’s Betsy Woodruff graciously took one for the team and actually read McCain’s book. In the course of her review, Woodruff offered up choice McCain nuggets such as this one: “This place sucks.” “This place” was Little Rock, Arkansas. And Arkansas Congressman Tim Griffin had a few words for Ms. McCain in defense of his fair city:
.@McCainBlogette My awesome hometown of Little Rock is an excellent place 2live & deserves at least "some small emoticon" of respect 🙂 #ar2
— Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin (@LtGovTimGriffin) June 12, 2012
Oh snap. That’s a win, right there.
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