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'Weird Argument...': Pro-Abortion X Account Tries Making the Case for Babies Tossed in Dumpsters


It should come as no surprise to any of you Dear Readers that abortion advocates lie through their dang teeth. Anything to support the narrative, right? But this is now becoming far too egregious to ignore or dismiss with a derisive laugh and a sardonic shake of the head. A popular pro-abortion account on X had this to say about a recent case where an 18-year-old woman gave birth and threw her child into a dumpster like he was nothing more than literal trash.


Because it's totally a winning argument to say that if abortion is illegal, that you're not going to be allowed to KILL your child before they're born, you'll throw your babies in the trash. That's not insane at all.

Not only is this bat-crap crazy, but this woman, Lynne Schmidt according to her bio, is conveniently leaving out key parts of this story in an effort to appeal to her base. And as of this writing, 18 million people have viewed her post on X.

According to pro-choice leftists, if someone MIGHT MAYBE have a difficult life, this warrants killing them before they're ever born. Nevermind the pesky little fact that these people are not Miss Cleo and cannot predict the future with any degree of accuracy.

Be honest, the rest of you Dear Readers who are this writer's age could hear that gif LOL

Isn't it?


It already makes sense, but it's monstrous. Lynne is saying that had the mother chosen to kill her child in utero, this would have never happened. While true, this is horrendous logic to any sane and rational person. It's like saying that Ted Bundy's victims would have never been murdered if their mothers had gotten to them first.

Now, here is the information that Lynne has deliberately chosen NOT to tell her following: this 18-year-old woman went through a full-term pregnancy, chose not to abort, but gave birth to and then discarded her newborn baby in a dumpster because she 'had no choice'. According to media reports, she didn't want her boyfriend to break up with her.

It's worth repeating: she chose not to abort. She chose to carry her baby to term. And then she chose to throw that little boy away like he was trash.

This had nothing to do with abortion laws in Texas whatsoever.


Excellent question.

Yeah, at this point, conservatives should not give an inch on the abortion debate. Leftists will always turn that inch into 10 miles or more. And they call us the extremists.

OOF. Not a good look, Lynne.

When these people show you who they are? Believe them.


When your own side is telling you how ghoulish you are, that's usually a solid sign that your stance is garbage.

We don't know, but it's probably hard to pronounce.

This happened regularly under Roe, long before Dobbs returned the issue of abortion to the states, but Lynne doesn't seem to be too concerned with facts. The Almighty Narrative is all that matters.


In fact, all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico have enacted 'safe haven' legislation meaning there are ways for a person to safely relinquish an unharmed newborn baby without any risk of persecution. As laws vary from state to state, just be sure to do your due diligence and find out what your state laws are.

There is no rational excuse or justification for what this young woman did.

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