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SIGH: Biden at Morehouse College Tells Black Students They're Victims and America Hates Them

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

It will come as no surprise to you, dear readers, that we are living in the stupidest possible timeline, but it seems like every time this writer says that, Biden comes screeching in like a geriatric Leroy Jenkins and says 'hold my Metamucil!'


Biden gave a speech to black students at Morehouse College that is just PEAK Democrat. This writer has done her best to transcribe the relevant portion of the speech, but y'all know how Biden speaks.

You missed your high school graduation. You started college just as George Floyd was murdered, and there was a reckoning on race. It's natural to wonder if the 'democracy' you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy? That black men are being killed in the street. What is democracy? The trail of broken promises still leaves black communities behind. What is democracy? You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. Most of all, what does it mean? As you've heard before, to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure.

Lordy, where to even start? Our favorite part was the repetitive 'what is democracy' and then him saying, 'most of all, what does it mean?' without ever actually discussing what democracy is or how our country is a constitutional republic rather than a democracy. But to be fair, that would probably be a Herculean feat at this point for poor Joe to try and explain without a nap, some ice cream, and a week's worth of preparation.


To be fair, it's been a major campaign strategy for Democrats for DECADES. Add to that now appealing to women by setting their hair on fire and telling us we're going to become second-class citizens or chattel if we aren't legally permitted to have our own children killed before they're even born.

It's incredibly patronizing, condescending, and infantilizing to black Americans to insinuate that they need the Democrats to be successful in life. Not to mention the various other ways Democrats talk down to black Americans with ideas like they're incapable of getting an ID to vote and other ridiculous notions.


Heh, remember that gem of a quote? We sure do.

Leader of the free world, ladies and gents.

This writer honestly can only come up with three legit white supremacists: David Duke, Richard Spencer, and that Fuentes kid. And no one cares about them or what they believe.


The full text here reads 'The tepid response says it all. My God, what uninspiring words. Biden goes down this road of division every time he gets in front of a black audience. To listen to him; these graduates would think their future is bleak. To listen to him, you’d think we were still in the Jim Crow era and there was no advance in race relations for more than a century. These students deserved better from @JoeBiden.'

Our children, the future of this country deserve far better than what they're getting from our 'leaders' in D.C. these days. It's a sad state of affairs that they are just starting their lives and they're already believing they can never make it.

So much for the 'American Dream', eh Dems?



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