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Aborting Abortion: Dr. Dermot Kearney Speaks Out on This Lifesaving Procedure

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

There are so many egregious lies and misinformation campaigns surrounding the abortion debate that it's honestly not funny anymore. It's also entirely one-sided. Abortion proponents loath the idea of women making truly informed choices. These people are serious about keeping factual and accurate medical information hidden from vulnerable women. Look no further than how Dr. Dermot Kearney is treated by Leftists for simply explaining to women who want to stop a medication abortion that there is a safe way to do that.


Doctor Kearney is an amazing doctor with impressive credentials.

He is an Irish national, qualified as a medical doctor from UCD (Dublin) in around 1989. He works as a general physician and cardiologist with additional acquired skills in providing an abortion pill reversal service alongside other doctors in the UK. He has worked for the last 20 years in the North of England, following completion of an International Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology in Leiden and Amsterdam in 2003. He was President of the Catholic Medical Association (UK) 2018-2021 and has delivered presentations on cardiology, general medical, and ethical issues in Ireland, UK, USA, Spain, Sweden, France, Italy and has delivered presentations at prolife events in UK, Ireland, USA and Switzerland.

We couldn't agree more. Doctor Kearney handles abortion advocates with a grace and poise that this writer personally admires.

If you watch the video, around the 2:30 - 2:50 mark, Dr. Kearney says this:

It is very difficult to understand, you would think ‘pro-choice’, you know, choice should be in ALL areas, including the decision to not go ahead with the abortion, but for some reason there is a strong opposition to what we’re doing even though we know it’s safe. Progesterone has been around, used in pregnancy for a number of different reasons for more than 60 years and we know it’s safe, it doesn’t do the baby any harm if the baby survives…


Abortion activists evidently have a very strong aversion towards pregnant women being informed not only of ALL of their options, but they're even denied a viewing of their own ultrasound (Planned Parenthood clinics come immediately to mind), and they're sometimes denied any kind of information about the development of their unborn child.

This writer can tell you firsthand how many abortion advocates deny that women are even pregnant with a human being, much less their own biological offspring, AKA child.

OB/GYN's in the U.S. even chimed in.

They weren't the only ones either!

Pro-abortion organizations, activists. and lobbyist groups are afraid of this because it affects their profit margins, for one thing. But like we said at the beginning, they also hate this because abortion is the ONLY choice they advocate for and approve of.


If a woman chooses life, thanks to accurate scientific information about her pregnancy, it's called 'propaganda'. Pro-life and anti-abortion individuals are condemned in no uncertain terms for providing this information if the mother chooses something other than abortion. We are said to be manipulating these women.

It's shocking, we tell you, SHOCKING, that a pro-abortion organization would dispute this information. It's not like progesterone is a known hormone that is critically vital for pregnancy and that the first medication in a 'medical abortion' blocks this hormone.

Progesterone is commonly prescribed for women TRYING to get pregnant, for instance. It's completely safe, and doctors have known this for decades. So you have to ask yourself now why abortion advocates want to shut down this information?

He is absolutely a hero, and we will leave you with resources for abortion pill reversal. If you or anyone you know is suffering and considering an abortion, please know that it is not the only choice you have.

Abortion Pill Reversal

Helpline: 1-877-558-0333

Abortion Pill Rescue Network



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