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Swimming World Cup scraps plan for 'open' races to include trans athletes due to lack of participants

AP Photo/John Bazemore

World Aquatics, formerly known as FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation), is the organization recognized by the International Olympic Committee for administering international competitions in water sports according to their website, and earlier this week they scrapped their plans for an 'open races' category intended to be inclusive for transgender athletes due to 'lack of participation'.


AKA, they received NO entries. Zero participants registered for this category. Zip. Nada. Goose egg.

In a statement, World Aquatics said this:

Following the close of registration for the open category competitions, World Aquatics can confirm that no entries have been received for the Open Category events.

This category would have included 50-metre and 100-metre races across all strokes as part of a, quote,  'pioneering pilot project'. Last year the organization had decided to introduce this new category for athletes whose gender identity is different from their birth sex, after they banned transgender participation.

Colin makes a solid point here. If it were truly about inclusion and acceptance, why no participants? Perhaps because it's never been about inclusion and acceptance. It's always been about affirming the delusions they hold about themselves, which is extremely dangerous given the astronomical suicide rate in the transgender community AFTER fully medically transitioning. This is a problem that 'allies' seem to just brush aside as a non-issue, which is odd for a group of people claiming they care about trans individuals.


That kinda appears to be the case here. Clearly these men had a reason for not wanting to compete against other biological men. They don't have a natural advantage then.

See what we mean?

To be fair, that's the case with EVERY leftist narrative and agenda in existence.

Let's just be honest here, too. It is no one else's role or responsibility to validate someone else's subjective 'identity'. Particularly an 'identity' that is so destructive. That would be like affirming an anorexic's view of themselves and their body and telling them they need gastric bypass surgery. That is insanity, and we are under no obligation to play along.


The sooner we stop enabling this nonsense, the sooner it ends.

YES! Pretty, pretty please can we just stop all this now?


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