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California set to recognize 'Transgender History Month' in August of 24 and let the eye-rolling begin

AP Photo/Robin Rayne

What has happened to California? We are witnessing the inevitable social and cultural decline that comes with ideologies that demand ‘inclusion’ and ‘tolerance’. No longer are those things all that is required from the average person. No, rigid adherence to these ideologies and even CELEBRATION is now the standard. So get ready to embrace and display the flags next year, ya bigots!


Never mind the fact that this is a dangerous enabling of a self-destructive delusion. Nope, just tell them what they want to hear and ignore their need for professional psychiatric help. Perform the surgery, transphobe! Prescribe the puberty blockers, bigot!

Thank goodness for people who haven’t allowed their common sense and reasoning skills to atrophy.

The ability to laugh at this insanity is a must these days! He also brings up an excellent question.

A LOT more months, at this rate.



Pfft, we know better than that. Their ‘history’ will be sanitized harder than this author sanitizes her entire house after someone gets sick. Perhaps Californians should address their massive problem with homelessness and drug use. Or maybe LITERALLY cleaning up their streets, unless human feces and used needles littering those streets is the aesthetic they were going for. Shrug.


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