More evidence trying to lower the bar to make everyone 'equal' just hurts ALL children in the end.
Important reading:
— Karen Vaites (@karenvaites) March 23, 2025
Seattle decimated its advanced-track learning programs in its public schools in the name of equity. It has not gone well. Parents of advanced white students have simply pulled their children out of public schools and sent them to private schools.
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) March 23, 2025
So, now the public schools have less money since they have fewer students, and there is less diversity. Isn't that the exact opposite of what they were trying to accomplish? Oops!
Why is it so hard to admit that this was a failed experiment?
— Nikki (@nikkidadlani) March 24, 2025
The Left has a hard time admitting their ideas are very bad.
Conservative and centrist parents will always look out for their kids
— Bread N. Circus (@BreadNCircusUSA) March 24, 2025
As they should. Parents primary role is to protect and rear their own children. They aren't responsible for participating in a societal experiment.
Rich people, of whatever race, can escape the machinations of the woke, even as they celebrate them.
— Surfis Tenshin (@MTrempley) March 23, 2025
This is why school choice and access to differentiated learning experiences for all kids is a must. It is not an exaggeration to say it is the civil rights issue of our time.
As I recall, black parents of advanced-track students asked Seattle not to do this.
— Travis Morrell, MD MPH (@MorrellMDmph) March 24, 2025
They were ignored in the name of Equity.
Leftists in charge always think they know better than the little people.
every successful team is oriented around its best players
— Lee Jordan (@TheRealLeejo) March 23, 2025
Also, the goal should be for those who are not the 'best' to be inspired and get better. A rising tide raises all ships.
When “equality for all” (Marxism) goes bad ….
— Cranky Mama (@MamaCranky) March 24, 2025
It always goes bad.
you know what radicalized me against 'equity in education'? teaching in a public school when I was an undergrad
— Bia (@BeatrizGietner) March 24, 2025
when 'social justice' means equality of outcome over opportunity, the ones who needed real support get left behind because you start treating all students the same
Advanced students aren't challenged and struggling students don't get the necessary help.
Sadly, too much of Progressive Democrat policy is ensuring that everybody is stuck in the bottom quintile.
— Soquel by the Creek (@SoquelCreek) March 24, 2025
They never really understood that "Harrison Bergeron" is satire and not an instruction manual.
One of the principle ways leftist try to achieve “equity” is to wreck good things so everything sucks equally.
— NormieUtah (@NormieUtah) March 24, 2025
Mayor Mendenhall does this with her East-West “geographic equity” policies.
As the West side has crime, homelessness, and urban blight, her “equity“ view is to import…
Progressive politics are the exact opposite of progressive. They drag everything and everyone backwards.
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