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Oh, Canada! Neighbors Up North Set 30-Day Tourist Timeout In America - Stay Longer and Enjoy Fines

AP Photo/Robert Bumsted

Oh, no! What will Americans do without Canadians taking up space in our doctor's offices because they can't get adequate healthcare in Canada, or driving slow on our highways? How will we go on? Heh.


Even Disney might have shorter wait times!

Trump wanted to make them a state anyway!

In this case, just because they hate Trump.


They're afraid Canada will vote for more freedom like America did. That terrifies them. 

Basically, the Trump Administration is now enforcing the law and Canada is being the insolent toddler.


To be fair, they're mad their own citizens would prefer to the in the United States so they are trying to scare them.

It's almost like people should follow the law. What a concept.

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