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A New Jersey Cop Sporting a Palestine Flag on His Uniform Is Outrageous ... Hamas Badges Must Be Next

AP Photo/Craig Ruttle

This story infuriates me to no end! A couple weeks ago, we told you about the Mayor of Paterson, New Jersey calling his town 'Little Palestine'. First of all, that's weird since there is no such place as 'Palestine'. It's a made up place. How could there be another made up place in America? Anyway, it gets worse. Now, we are told some of their police officers actually wear the Palestine flag on their uniforms! What the what?

My son is a First Responder, and we rely on police officers to protect him while he works in dangerous situations. When he’s trying to save a life at a car accident, we’re grateful for the police ensuring a speeding car doesn’t barrel through and hit him. When he’s helping a victim at a domestic violence scene, our family depends on the police to secure the area before he enters. Because of this, I have immense respect for law enforcement. That’s why I have nothing but disdain for officers wearing flags of other countries on their uniforms when they’re sworn to defend Americans. It shouldn’t be allowed.

Furthermore, if the Israel-Palestine conflict has taught us anything, it’s that those who support Palestine overwhelmingly back Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization, and the United States has officially designated it as such.

If his first loyalty is to his make believe country, go there and be a police officer. We don't need you here. 

Thank goodness I live in a state (Florida) where my Governor would have this stopped in a hot second if he heard it was going on. 

No American should have to obey a man with a flag of Palestine on his chest. No, thank you!

I'm an American. I do not have to listen to law enforcement in my own country, waving another flag. Nope. 

If the people of New Jersey are too scared to tell him, I have no problem filling him in.


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