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Biden’s Last Desperate Encore: Fundraising and Flailing to Save Dems from Trump’s Wrecking Ball

Mandel Ngan/Pool via AP

Honestly, the fact Joe Biden can talk and take meetings is pretty shocking.


Now, y'all knew fake Doctor Jill could not be out of the limelight long! She is ready to wear fancy dresses, fly on private planes and attend fancy events again. She's tired of sitting home with a drugged out old man and that's just Hunter. Joe is probably a real bore. 

It must be very desperate times.

Oh, absolutely! He is the Democrat's only hope! Run, Joe, Run! 

What will his superhero name be? Geriatric Joe? Dementia Joe? Captain Depends? The options are endless!


SHHHH! Don't tell them!

Coming to a 'Senior Center' near you!

Jill will probably literally have to 'roll him'. He'll either be on a gurney or a wheelchair.


Biden is also a 'dead man walking' so maybe he is the best front man for the party, after all.

Literally, dragging around dead weight.

Fake Doctor Jill is so behind this. She has more political ambition than Joe at this point.

Oh, this isn't even rock bottom.

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