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Spokesman by Day, Jihadi by Night: Hamza’s Double Life Explains Why Israel Rearranges Apartment Blocks

AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana

One of the Left's favorite complaints is Israel bombs civilian apartment complexes. They call it a genocide and insist Israel is engaged in war crimes. Now, proof emerges of why those apartment buildings are bombed.


Yes, if you celebrate your 'warriors' shooting rockets out of apartment buildings, probably more apartment buildings will be hit. Here's your sign!

Also, this is why Israel says most of Palestine are Hamas and it's almost impossible to tell civilians from combatants. 

Israel appreciates it.

It's all on video.


That's why he is dead now.

Of course he didn't.

This might explain it.


Just add it to all the other evidence. 

What a concept!

They brought it upon themselves. They should blame Hamas, not Israel.

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