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Potty-Mouthed Politicians: America’s Leaders Need to Wash Their Mouths Out with Soap

The other day, I slipped while talking about a woman my daughter and I don’t like. I meant to call her a 'witch', but the 'b' word came out instead. My 18-year-old daughter was shocked and said, 'Mom, stop cussing,' even though she listens to songs all day long with far worse language. So why did my one minor slip-up bother her? She’s not used to hearing me curse in front of her. I’ve never made a habit of swearing around my children. The Bible says blessings and curses shouldn’t come from the same mouth, so I try to watch my words carefully. My daughter holds me to a higher standard than she does a singer or rapper on the radio. That’s a level of respect she’s given me, and I stumbled by not honoring it. I apologized to her and promised to be more mindful in the future.

I think politicians should do the same. It’s one thing for a curse word to slip out in a moment of righteous anger, but lately, it’s become trendy for them to swear on social media. It’s degrading our society.

Obviously, the 'f' bomb is particularly egregious, but adults should do better. Politicians are 'hired' by the American people to do a job. It’s never a good idea to use vulgar language at your workplace, and the same standard should apply to those we send to D.C.

I've clearly been vocal about this issue for some time now—this tweet is nearly a year old. Nothing has improved, and if anything, the situation has deteriorated further. I’m committed to continuing my advocacy for adults to step up and do better.

Frequent use of profanity often makes a person appear less articulate and suggests an inability to express themselves with greater sophistication. This only reinforces the suspicion that many of our politicians lack the intelligence we hope for.

It shows how little they think of the average voter.

It's a real shame. Our children deserve better leaders to emulate.

A revival of propriety across all facets of American life would be a refreshing and welcome shift.

The Democrats are very proud of it. They really bring nothing of redeeming value to society.


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