Leftists and their media arm in corporate media are really working overtime to convince their audience the 'Springfield, Ohio' Haitian immigration problem is non-existent. OilfieldRando, a Twitchy favorite, shared some interesting facts he found.
An Ohio city reshaped by Haitian immigrants lands in an unwelcome spotlight https://t.co/9YN9ham9Xo
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 11, 2024
The head of non-profit Haitian Bridge Alliance (Guerline Jozef) is quoted, saying “The Haitian immigrants who started moving to Springfield the last few years are the reason why the economy and the labor force has been revitalized there”
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 11, 2024
Here's their revenue from 2018-2022: https://t.co/ts1EgkxmxY pic.twitter.com/JBoA1Lnexs
There is always some Leftist organization making crazy amounts of money off the government in the background.
A thread in which I read an AP propaganda article about how massive Haitian relocation to Springfield Ohio is good, actually.
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 11, 2024
I discover that two of the three people quoted by the author work at non-profits, both funded by George Soros. Wild, right? https://t.co/6lHv2EFCPd
Who knew working for a Haitian non-profit could be so lucrative?
Haitian Bridge Alliance went from $25,000 in revenue in 2018 to $4.2 million in 2022. Imagine what their 2024 numbers look like.
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 11, 2024
The give out cash assistance, free legal services, and even operate a "Black Immigrant Bail Fund".
They reported having $5.2 MILLION in cash in 2022 pic.twitter.com/S1Gz85FC5J
That's quite a windfall. Follow the money.
Oh my stars, Haitian Bridge Alliance received half a million from George Soros, wow, this is shocking stuff pic.twitter.com/f8Qyo1BGed
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 11, 2024
Just a bit of pocket change.
Also quoted in the article is Ariel Dominique, executive director of the Haitian American Foundation for Democracy.
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 11, 2024
She started this brand new 501c3 in 2022, and it had $171,000 in revenue their first year
This organization is ALSO funded by...George Soros! Wow! Imagine that! pic.twitter.com/HuHTDumMLi
If a community is going to rot, George Soros is not far behind.
Why did you stop at 2022!?!?
— Bubba Karras (@MichaelDKarras) September 11, 2024
They don't become publicly available for a year or so, still waiting on a lot of 2023 ones to pop up
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 11, 2024
Anyone taking bets 2023 will be another windfall for them?
I’m sorry but I’m going to QT this thread one more time.
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 11, 2024
AP runs this “Mass Haitian immigration is good” article, and one of the sources for why it’s good is the head of a Soros-funded Haitian immigrant aid NGO that had a 16,608% revenue increase from 2018 to 2022. https://t.co/HvLtSolewP
Want to stop the invasion of our country? Burn the NGO's to the ground, arrest everyone for human trafficking and fraud, and seize their assets. https://t.co/290ie1e8Ya
— Mr. Fabulist (@MisterFabulist) September 11, 2024
That's a good start.
The talk about eating pets is silly, but Springfield is, upon closer examination, an important data point. Pretty much exactly what nobody wants - NGOs and taxpayers paying for resettlement of low skill foreign nationals who destabilize and have no interest in assimilating. https://t.co/3bHE7uOBI9
— Awl "D" Best (@Demoncoww) September 11, 2024
To be fair, there is no evidence the pet eating is silly, either.
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