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In Tone Deaf Ad Campaign, Adidas Launches '1972' Olympics Shoe Fronted by Hamas Apologist Bella Hadid

AP Photo/Kurt Strumpf, File

A few months ago, my youngest daughter graduated from high school. As part of her graduation gift, she asked for a pair of Adidas Sambas (in white and green to be precise) and I happily complied. They are very cute and the new trend among young women for athletic leisure fashion. They are, however, not cheap. A pair is about $120 so (for me, anyway) it was a bit of a splurge. My daughter loves them and is already saving her money for a pair in black. Then, I saw this.

Piggybacking on the success of their 'Sambas', apparently they are relaunching a shoe introduced at the 1972 Olympics. During those Olympics, Palestinian terrorists killed 11 Israeli athletes and coaches and 1 West German police officer. Perhaps Adidas executives should google 'Munich Massacre'. One would think, in the wake of the October 7 massacre, no company would choose to associate themselves with violence against Jewish people. It is despicable. Unbelievably, it gets worse. Not only are they associating themselves with those Olympics, they chose Bella Hadid as the face of their campaign. Hadid is a Palestinian activist (her father is described as a 'Palestinian Property Tycoon' by the BBC) and super model. She has received backlash since October 7 for sharing misleading information about Israel and claiming the captors of Israeli hostages baked them cakes. 

I'm really searching for a way this could be a mistake on the part of Adidas. I am not coming up with anything. Surely, a company isn't using a shoe campaign to show support for the murder of Jewish people in 1972 while using a model/activist who frequently lies about Israel and also happens to be Palestinian on her paternal side. This is so very vile and how can it be real?

All of the likely bigots on Twitter are cheering them on.

It's true many young people do support 'Palestine'. We've all seen the endless college protests. On the other hand, just as many in the younger generation (and their parents who have the money to spend) stand with Israel.. There won't be another cent spent from my bank account unless they pull this campaign and apologize. I am a drop in the bucket, obviously, but I have a voice and a platform, and I will always call out Anti-Semitic business practices.


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