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Matt Yglesias Hosts an Electoral College Whine Fest After Latest Nate Silver Predictions

AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps

Clearly, the Democrats and their spokespeople in the Media are starting to get very nervous about this upcoming Presidential election. Their latest tell? They are starting to complain about the electoral college.


Today, Nate Silver published his latest thoughts on trends and how those could effect the Presidential election outcome.

Still, the items on the “reasons to think Trump might win” list have proven to be more robust. There’s Biden’s age, which voters have extremely persistent concerns about. There’s the very high inflation of mid-2021 through mid-2023 — which has considerably abated, but still is reflected in much higher prices than when Biden took office. There’s the fact that the global mood is pessimistic and that incumbents have been getting crushed everywhere around the world. Plus, some of the factors I thought would be an advantage for Biden haven’t proven to be. There’s less of a fundraising gap than I expected, for instance, and I’m not sure that Biden has run the smarter tactical campaign.

Clearly, Silver lays out his reasoning and why he sees Trump with the edge. Political podcaster and columnist, Matt Yglesias decided to overlook all of that and just blame the electoral college instead. Makes sense.


Democrats are nothing if not predictable.

That's a ton of big confusing words for Matty.

He's only a denier if he does not like the outcome. If he likes the winner, he thinks the Electoral College is grand and gives every state equitable representation based on population size. Like most Leftists, if you do not like his opinion this week, come back next week and he will likely have a new one.


He acts like he is brand new here.

What a concept!

Boom! Also, no matter who wins, it is still the best system and should never be dismantled.

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