In this whole Texas border debacle, one would expect Red states to stand with Texas. One notable exception has been Kansas.
What the hell is going on in Kansas??!
— John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) January 26, 2024
Paging @GovLauraKelly… Hello?!
What's going on in Kansas is that Republicans managed to lose a red state governor's election during a midterm of an unpopular Dem incumbent with high inflation.
— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) January 26, 2024
Yep! Unfortunately, elections have consequences and losing that one has had some big ones.
So if Kansas, Kentucky and North Carolina didn’t have Democrat governors, this would pretty much be a map of the three separate nations into which the USA will break up, either to avoid, or because of, the coming Civil War…
— John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) January 26, 2024
That is correct. Also, Kentucky is very Red and not at all purple, so it should baffle the folks at the RNC why they continue to fail to elect a Republican. Figure it out. Both the Senators for Kentucky are Republicans.
That big “D” by her name is clouding her decision
— GabbyGirl 🐶 (@GabbyGirl0409) January 26, 2024
That's actually her only consideration.
If Texas shuts its border down to legal crossing levels, New Mexico and Arizona will have to follow suit lest they get overrun.
— Styrian Beaufort (@BeaufortStyrian) January 26, 2024
Sounds like a plan.
I wondered myself. Why aren’t all the states supporting us?
— Texas Grammy (@reposting4you) January 26, 2024
They should be.
Grew up in Kansas. It has a ton of factory farms that employ a ton of immigrants for cheap labor. So much so that even though it’s a Republican state, a lot of them look the other way because it’s in their interests.
— Funnydale (@funnydale) January 26, 2024
Surely, this can't be the case. Conservative states have to take immigration seriously no matter the benefits of cheap labor to their economy. It's too harmful for all other sectors of the community.
Kansas is less than 100 miles from TX ....and they're non-commital on the Invasion/Replacement?!
— EmilianiTX (@EmilianiTx) January 26, 2024
That's why Republicans lost the governorship and why the House overwhelmingly passes Continuing Resolutions and an NDAA fully funding all of it.
Typical Republican perfidy.
Even DeWine joined in. I would've bet against that honestly.
— Dave Petroziello (@dpetr12676) January 26, 2024
It's bad when people are shocked an alleged 'Republican' like Dewine does the right thing.
She’s doing what’s best for their economy unlike those other midwestern governors. Who’s going to work in those meat packing plants. You might have enough Mexicans in LA but we need them in the Midwest. $$$$
— Alf Landon (@AlfLandon1936) January 26, 2024
It's so funny when people unintentionally share this racist attitude. What you're basically saying is they're the only ones who will do the terrible jobs 'white' people don't want. Just stop. All people will do a job for the right salary. Perhaps they should work on salary and benefit plans instead of assisting with the invasion of the United States.
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