Mega star Alice Cooper recently expressed his displeasure with the 'trans' movement targeting kids and encouraging them to transition before they were adults. Per usual, the LGBTQ community decided he must be punished for daring to question trans theology. Now, Cooper is losing business partnerships for his brave stance.
Vampyre Cosmetics, an LGBTQ+-owned cosmetics brand, has severed its ties with rock legend Alice Cooper in the aftermath of deeply anti-trans comments he made during a recent interview.
In a statement released on their official Instagram page, Vampyre Cosmetics announced its decision to cancel a makeup collaboration with Cooper, expressing its solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.
Looks like he's finding out.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 29, 2023
Actor George Takei celebrated Cooper's misfortune.
He couldn’t care less. He knows he’s doing the right thing. Sorry George, this isn’t the gotcha you think it is!!
— Kristi (@TheyCallMeNans) August 29, 2023
Isn't it amazing some people take the high road and do the right thing even when it means it may anger all the right people?
I'm certain he's all busted up over it.
— Toxic Something Podcast - w/ Keith Burgin (@KeithBurgin) August 29, 2023
He described it as a fad and know what? He’s not wrong. The problem with this fad is kids can’t just wash off the make up when they grow up, they’ll be dealing with a mutilated and drugged up body the rest of their life. Pretty sick agenda. But you know that. You just don’t care.
— Five Times August (@FiveTimesAugust) August 29, 2023
Along with most other thinking adults, Cooper is concerned about the irreparable harm done to young people and how they may change their minds as they enter adulthood.
So he switches brands. Big Deal.
— DumbOlDad (@dumboldad) August 29, 2023
They need him more than he needs them.
I just heard No More Mister Nice Guy on Sirius a couple of days ago and Alice’s music still sounds great. Imperishable.
— DaltonBro (@OnlyfansisOP) August 29, 2023
A famous and beloved star can probably find another makeup brand willing to partner.
Wow wtf I thought Alice Cooper was one of the good guys? What a disappointment. 😔
— Rex Bellator (@TheRexBellator) August 29, 2023
You think like a 12 year old.
— DaltonBro (@OnlyfansisOP) August 29, 2023
💯💯 Alice Cooper is right.
— ☘ The Sober Irishman ☘ (@NCMuscleCars001) August 29, 2023
Finding out the the “marganized” have become the oppressors while pretending to be marginalized?
— sc ⭕ ⭕byjava (@scoobyjava) August 29, 2023
Bingo! Suddenly, Cooper is a 'bad' guy in the eyes of immature people who can't distinguish between someone who disagrees with them and someone who is truly 'bad'. This is why many issues can't be solved today in America.
He said to let 6 year olds be kids and not to try to confuse them about gender.
— William Tabor DDS (@WilliamTaborDDS) August 29, 2023
Why are you so obsessed with grooming little kids?
If they aren't allowed to brainwash children young, they are afraid they may be free thinkers. The Left can't have that.
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