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Leftists seethe and rage as Casey DeSantis tells her inspirational story of beating cancer

Executive Office of the Governor, State of Florida

Today, in Iowa, Casey DeSantis announced her new campaign initiative 'Mamas for DeSantis' and shared her cancer survivor story with the gathered crowd.


There is no political movement able to stop fired up Mamas! Perhaps, this is why leftists are so angry tonight.

Many on Twitter found the story moving and inspirational. No matter your politics, we can all agree a mother of 3 young children battling cancer and kicking its butt, is motivating and speaks to the power of the human condition. Of course, there will always be haters in the comment section and tonight was no exception.

This is why you should never read the comment section. Best to just skip it. Trust us.


Now, the left is accusing her of making up her cancer. There is no low to which they won't sink.

100 percent sure God did not approve of this comment.

Funny because the DeSantis' children always seem well fed and having a blast!

When people can't attack ideas, they attack physical looks. That's a shame.

Of course, leftists only think 'good mothers' support gun control. To the contrary, good mothers also believe in their right to defend their family and the rights granted to us by the Second Amendment.


Again with the 'Macbeth' reference. Leftists really need to read another Shakespeare play. We beg of you.

More of this! Let's focus on the issues and the candidates and stop attacking their families. The best suggestion we have heard all day.

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