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Twitter schools Elie Mystal on the reality of the I-95 'fix'

Yesterday, noted press scribes for the Democrats, NBC News, released a gushing story about the swift rebuild of I-95. Crowing it has only taken days what many said would take months, NBC bragged about the competence of the Democratic leaders in charge.


Justice correspondent for The Nation, Elie Mystal quickly quote tweeted the article declaring this is why he votes for Democrats. They are just so dang competent. Heh.

Democrats governing well sounded very suspicious and a quick trip through the replies to the tweet quickly confirmed our suspicions.

There was not a 'rebuild' at all. They shifted lanes and that is about it. All the work still has to be done. This tweep happens to drive for a living and shared a bit more about why this is particularly problematic.


Oh, so basically the situation is now more dangerous? That sounds exactly like Democratic governance.

So, this 'fix' makes driving more periolous and blocks another needed road? Definitely sounds like a Democrat is in control.

Shhhhhhhh! The people can't know DeSantis and Republicans in Florida ACTUALLY built a bridge in a week. That is terribly problematic for the narrative.


One more example of a time Republicans built things quickly. This is not at all going as well as Elie thought it would.

Probably should have provided a 'splash zone' warning before that last tweet. The biggest joke on Twitter today. 

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