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The NAACP claims traveling to Florida is not safe and the mocking was hilarious

Today, the NAACP issued a ridiculous travel warning to the very dangerous region of…..Florida. Yes, you read that correctly. In the warning, the NAACP leadership claimed Florida has become hostile to Black Americans and democratic ideals. Was the recent reelection of Governor DeSantis not a “democratic ideal”? Apparently, free and fair elections are no longer “democracy” in the eyes of NAACP leadership.


Jeremy Redfern, Press Secretary for DeSantis, had a quick clap back for the inane advisory.

Heh! The Vice Chairwoman of the NAACP, Karen Boykin-Towns, looks like she had a wonderful vacation and felt comfortable and safe. Maybe Ms. Boykin-Towns missed the memo she was in terrifying enemy territory.

Redfern was not finished mocking this silly advisory just yet. He went on to post the record number of tourists who traveled to Florida over the last year. The one thing about facts, they don’t care about your feelings.

Those are the best kind of stands! Toes in the sands and a cool drink in your hand. Take plenty of pictures and post them to Twitter so we can all share in the fun.


Another Florida local was very puzzled at this warning as a huge urban music festival attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists is planned for next week. The ad discusses the fun of last year’s festival and encourages all people over 21 to attend.

Another member of Team DeSantis, Christina Pushaw, also wondered how this travel advisory would effect the upcoming Urban Beach Week.It will be interesting to see the turnout.


Most tweeps chimed in to disavow this dramatic travel warning and speak to their own great experiences traveling and living in Florida.

It does kind of feel like they are doing the bidding of the Democratic party and doing a spectacularly bad job at it.


Redfern summed up the controversy with this final perfect tweet. The travel advisory is nothing but a stunt to put financial pressure on Governor DeSantis so he bends the knee to leftist politics. Don’t count on it.


Ms. Allen says it best, all are welcome in Florida. The sun, sand and freedom await. Please leave your blue state politics at the state line.

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