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Teacher accused of showing inappropriate movie claims parents have no rights

Last week, a Florida teacher reported she received a disciplinary letter from the Department of Education. She is facing disciplinary action for showing the Disney movie “Strange World”. The movie has LGBTQ themes and a parent complained when their child reported viewing the movie at school. The teacher in question was interviewed this morning on CNN.


In the interview, the teacher justified the movie by claiming students already talk about these topics and she cannot be expected to police all their conversations.

People took offense at her claim parents lose rights to their children once they enter a public school. That is not how this works at all, mam.


Several commenters suggested Unions protect this kind of behavior and should lose funding, or parents should just pull their children from public schools altogether.

What a crazy idea! Teach reading, writing, science and history and leave morals and values to parents? What a concept!

That’s the spirit! The way to effect change in our schools is to get involved, run for school board, and vote. That is how we  ensure teachers understand parents and citizens have the last word about what happens in local schools.


Oof! To hear her say it out loud was pretty jarring. It goes to show some teachers see absolutely nothing wrong with insulting parents.

Other commenters suggested not getting mad, but rather take away another message from the teacher’s brutal honesty. Perhaps schools should enact policies to keep children off of their devices during the school day.

Sometimes the ads do write themselves. Sigh.

One of these days some teachers will learn to stop poking the bear, particularly when those bears are Mama bears.


Leftists will never learn. Even after losing the Governor’s race in Virginia over this very topic, they still keep beating that drum. Governor Youngkin thanks them for their service.

It definitely feels like the Upside Down lately and it is time parents stand up and retake control of our schools from activist educators.



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