Why is it that fat cat union bosses always feign moral outrage over someone making a profit? Case in point: Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers union.
Education is a pub good-not a profit scheme.Yet hedgers convincing investors there’s $ to be made in charter schls. http://t.co/twmwa13fqU
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) March 11, 2015
If there were more profit motive in education, our kids would be a lot better educated.
And yet you were paid $557K last year… weird. MT @rweingarten: Education is a pub good-not a profit scheme pic.twitter.com/88tOpmvgvN
— Jason Hart (@jasonahart) March 11, 2015
@jasonahart so is your position that people like @rweingarten who are at the top of their field shouldn’t be compensated as such?
— Ev?️n Sutton (@3vanSutton) March 11, 2015
What field is that exactly? Union bossing?
@suttnutz @jasonahart Dunno what Jason's claiming, but $557K is more than POTUS's salary and more than 2x S. Ct. justice.
— Brandon Isleib (@earthdyedred) March 12, 2015
@jasonahart @vermontaigne @rweingarten Hey: any "public good" that gets me 500K+ a year is real, real good! So stop complaining already!
— Be Gibson (@wgibson58) March 12, 2015
@wgibson58 @jasonahart @rweingarten For the children.
— Where the elite meet to #yeet (@vermontaigne) March 12, 2015
@jasonahart @justkarl @rweingarten Crazy thing is liberals don't think a person who built a company deserves their $, yet public servants do
— Pete Stuffings (@jdennis115) March 12, 2015
You didn’t build that company.
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