@briansikma @RepGwenMoore Oh truly! I have the tiny violins going for her as we tweet!
— crazy4glass (@crazy4glass) September 4, 2014
Representative Gwen Moore from Wisconsin’s fourth district got arrested today while participating in civil disobedience over the wages paid to fast food workers.
Self-beclowning congresswoman @RepGwenMoore stunts own arrest at @SEIU's phony "fast food strike". #wiright pic.twitter.com/CxsGIH0XX8
— Vicki McKenna (@VickiMcKenna) September 4, 2014
Milwaukee Congresswoman Gwen Moore getting arrested Thursday as she joined the Fight for Fifteen protesters. pic.twitter.com/PuE59rOSCu"
— Steven Greenhouse (@greenhousenyt) September 4, 2014
The protesters were demanding a wage of $15 per hour for what most probably consider to be an entry level job. However, Moore doesn’t even pay her own entry level employees at that rate.
She doesn’t pay them at all.
Democrat arrested at protest demanding entry-level workers make $15/hour.
She pays her entry level workers $0/hour.http://t.co/i1xKnoYNZk
— Donny Ferguson ? (@DonnyFerguson) September 4, 2014
This looks like a much more demanding job than serving hamburgers.
Interns will work in a fast-paced Congressional Office, gaining valuable exposure and knowledge of the legislative process and the United States Congress. Intern responsibilities include greeting constituents, handling constituent phone calls, opening and sorting mail, giving Capitol Tours, and assisting staff with administrative tasks. Interns will also have the opportunity to conduct legislative research, assist with correspondence, as well as attend some Capitol Hill briefings, congressional hearings, and press events. This internship is unpaid.
(Emphasis added.)
@DonnyFerguson @kerpen private business would be in violation of labor laws if they offered non paid internships…subject to fines…
— David Fenstermaker (@fenstermakerd) September 4, 2014
@kevinbinversie @briansikma Odds that Milwaukee DA will decline to press charges? 100%. Ticket will be dismissed.
— Rufus (@Rufus_GB) September 4, 2014
Safe bet.
Fast food workers plan strikes, civil disobedience on Sept. 4
Rep. Gwen Moore: GOP trying to ‘punish’ America for electing Obama
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