Apparently your iPhone wants you to clean up your “ducking” language.
My ducking iphone thinks I cuss too much
— ponchi herrera (@pincheponchi) April 11, 2014
Between tucking and ducking my iPhone is clearly trying to shame me into not cursing. #duckoffautocorrect
— Elizabeth Tulloch (@BitsieTulloch) February 17, 2014
I'm really ducking sick of iPhone autocorrecting "duck" to "duck." DUCK!
— Sam Farrar (@samfarrar) January 20, 2014
Has anyone actually wanted to say "ducking" on their iPhone before?
— Ryan Wood (@RaWoodyy) April 10, 2014
Dear iPhone, no one is ever trying to say "ducking"
— Kellie McKinney (@kellieamck) January 17, 2014
Frustrated iPhone owners say it’s like their “ducking” phones don’t know them at all.
For gods sake iPhone, when would I ever say ducking hell?!!!
— Helen Anderson (@HelenAnderz) February 19, 2014
DAMNIT AUTO CORRECT, I'M NEVER TRYING TO SAY "DUCKING." It's like my iPhone doesn't even know me at all.
— Samantha (@SamKallis) April 8, 2014
Alright iPhone you know me well enough, stop ducking with me
— jake (@Wehrlzz77) April 1, 2014
It's 2014 and you're going on your 6th iteration, iPhone: no one EVER texts the word "ducking." Learn!
— Francisco Bustamante (@BustaFrankie) April 8, 2014
Oh yes iPhone, I meant to type “ducking” – said no one ever.
— Matt Galligan (@mg) April 3, 2014
Everyone who has a iPhone we just have to face it that ducking is a swear word!!
— Kyle Machin (@machin_93) April 10, 2014
Just live with it? Hell ducking no! Your blushing iPhone can be trained to tolerate your salty rants.
You know how the iPhone sometimes autocorrects CORRECT words? Make it stop!
— Lifehacker (@lifehacker) March 27, 2014
Just for fun, we’ll leave you with the “Auto-Correct Love Song.”
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