DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz hasn’t tweeted about the retirement announcement of Rep. Jim Moran (D-ouchebag). She’s a little busy squeeing about FLOTUS this morning.
I have! #50andfabulous MT @TheDemocrats: Have you wished @MichelleObama happy birthday, yet? http://t.co/FdJ4GPpwS7 pic.twitter.com/nsWJl19BXI
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) January 15, 2014
Perhaps she’s scrambling to find a Virginia Dem corrupt and despicable enough to fill Moran’s freak-show shoes?
Flashback: Jim Moran, violent racist pig ==> http://t.co/f1zxvI3ESC
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 15, 2014
Nah. No scrambling necessary. This one should be a breeze for Debbie.
.@exjon @DWStweets
They would have to look far and wide in the Democrat Party to find another drunk, anti-Semite…. Oh Nope. They found em— Oklahoma St. Flower (@Bikeric01) January 15, 2014
@kevinlicklider @exjon @ABFalecbaldwin @DWStweets Maybe Moran's son can run for his seat. I hear he's an honest bloke.
— ML (@just_mindy) January 15, 2014
@exjon There are other worse freakshows to replace him. Not out of the woods. #WetBlanket
— DCD (@DCDude1776) January 15, 2014
@exjon @DWStweets what did ever happen to Ted Kennedy?
— John (@jmaysnc) January 15, 2014
Exit burn:
@exjon Isn't @ABFalecbaldwin looking for work? @DWStweets
— Kevin Licklider (@kevinlicklider) January 15, 2014
‘Morning in Yuppie Acres’: Could NRO’s Jim Geraghty replace retiring Jim Moran?
Heh: Real reason for Dem Jim Moran’s retirement? (Bonus: New journalism definition)
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