Remember when Anthony Weiner couldn’t “say with certitude” if the crotch shot broadcast from his Twitter account was indeed his? Evidently, Carlos Danger just has trouble with simple questions. The Daily News asked:
There is no one you are sexting now?
What’s it gonna be, Carlos? Yes … or … no?
You can quibble about beginnings, middles and ends but what we’re talking about is over a year ago.
It’s complicated. One never knows when the “point of al Qaida’s sword” will emerge.
Wrong answer to 'There is no one you are sexting now?' #CarlosDanger
— Jake Heller (@HellerJake) July 30, 2013
#NYDailyNews: "There is no one you are sexting now?" Weiner did not say YES or NO. #NYC #sexting #Weiner
— Ken Feltman (@KenFeltman) July 30, 2013
'NO!' The answer to that is 'NO!' FFS! RT @davidfrum: Q: Are you sexting anybody right now? Weiner: It's complicated.
— Emil Caillaux (@emilcDC) July 30, 2013
So, the Sydney Leathers sexting was “over a year ago,” but as for others? C’mon, guys. He said “other texts and photos were likely to come out.” And he’s hard at work making sure that happens. All. Night. Long.
By the way, Daily News, what’s with this?
No folo-up question? RT @mollyesque: "Q. There is no one you are sexting now? WEINER. You can quibble about beginnings, middles and ends…"
— Patricia Lopez (@StribLopez) July 30, 2013
Hey, at least the Daily News asked. The New York Times? Not so much.
Error in the NYDN transcript was just pointed out to me on the part RE whether Weiner is still sexting now…
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 31, 2013
The Daily News has revised its article, indicating that Weiner’s answer about sexting was “transcribed incorrectly.” Here’s how his answer now appears in the article:
Question was "And it was over a year ago? There’s been nothing else?
Weiner: "I mean, oh yeah, all that stuff is behind me…"— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 31, 2013
More Weiner: "… You can quibble about you know, beginnings, middles and ends, but it was basically a year ago.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 31, 2013
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