Whip out your tiny violins and bring your barf bags.
New York Rep. Pete King and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are victims — victims! — of the meany-pants Republican Party’s “mean-spirited regional bias.” Today, the Republican congressman announced he’s prying his eyes away from Beyoncé and Jay-Z for long enough to nurture his GOP-bashing bromance with Christie.
“We have to find a way to check the Republican Party from having this mean-spirited regional bias,” King said.
“When you’ve got a guy like Christie who is effective and conservative and able to articulate our Republican principles and he’s getting screwed by. . . [the] national Republican Party, what does that mean for the party? How out of touch are we?” King asked.
The pair bonded recently when some GOP lawmakers fought to keep absurd pork from weighing down the Sandy relief bill. King threatened his colleagues when the House failed to pass the larded-up legislation and Christie ripped the House GOP.
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