Remember back in 2008 when Obama’s most lauded qualification for the presidency was his “first-class temperament”? Well, as the light-worker never hesitates to remind everyone, he won. Twice. And now there’s no need to keep up that whole temperament charade.
The prickly schoolmarm interrupted his oh-so-laser-like focus on the fiscal cliff to shush people during his Friday evening statement.
TESTY – "Guys, I can hear you over here." #fiscalcliff #obama
— Ashley Codianni (@AshleyCodianni) December 28, 2012
Obama: "Guys I can hear you over there." What a jackass.
— Uncredentialed (@uncredentialed) December 28, 2012
Uh oh. Someone’s about to spend afternoons in detention!
Obama as teacher: 'Guys I can hear you over there' #detention
— Steve Goldstein (@MKTWgoldstein) December 28, 2012
"Guys, I can hear you over there," says Obama during briefing, sounding very much like a pissed-off college prof.
— Casey Seiler (@CaseySeiler) December 28, 2012
why did Obama just act like a teacher "guys? I can hear you over there". seriously!!??? wow. just get a deal done
— Micah Aaron (@mtarak9) December 28, 2012
So, who was the target of the presidential “STFU,” complete with signature death stare?
Obama, mid press statement: "Guys, I can hear you over here." Who was he talking to?
— BetsyD (@betsdavenport) December 29, 2012
Are the lapdogs on their way to the doghouse?
Ha! I think a reporter just ticked off the president by talking too loudly off to the side. Obama: "Guys, I can hear you over here …"
— Will Frampton (@willframpton) December 28, 2012
"Guys, I can hear you over here." Who did Obama scold? It was in the direction of where the CNN crew was standing.
— Samantha Adams (@MsSamAdams) December 28, 2012
White House reporters insist it was those other guys — the ones working the cameras.
@CaliPrunian A cameraman on headset to his control room irked the president.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) December 28, 2012
@ezraklein just watched again, it was definitely camera operators/maybe photogs POTUS was shushing.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) December 29, 2012
.@moorehn @krismul @annielowrey POTUS shushed a camera operator.
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) December 29, 2012
POTUS chastises camera crews for talking during his remarks "guys I can hear you over hear" #decibelresponsibility
— Jared Rizzi (@JaredRizzi) December 28, 2012
But per the White House, it never happened at all.
So the @BarackObama shushing of an unnamed TV cameraperson was left out of @WhiteHouse transcript but not the video
— David Clinch (@DavidClinchNews) December 29, 2012
Darn YouTube videos!
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