After two weeks of tallying errors and irregularities, legal challenges, recounts and mysteriously discovered ballots, Florida Republican Allen West conceded his contentious House race to Democrat Patrick Murphy Tuesday morning.
Rep. Allen West (R-FL): We will not contest the certification or challenge the seating of Congressman-elect Murphy.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) November 20, 2012
Appearing on “Fox and Friends,” West reiterated his vow to remain a steadfast and loyal public servant.
West on Fox: "I will continue to be a citizen-servant of this great nation….This is not about me"
— George Bennett (@gbennettpost) November 20, 2012
West believes further legal action will do nothing to alter the outcome of the race and congratulated his opponent in a written statement.
West says there are "inaccuracies" in CD-18 votes, but "our legal team does not believe there are enough…to change the outcome."
— George Bennett (@gbennettpost) November 20, 2012
Allen West concedes to Democrat Patrick Murphy, after court fight and recount. West, in statement, says "questions remain unanswered."
— Jared Halpern (@JaredHalpern) November 20, 2012
Allen West "will not ask my generous supporters to help fund a drawn-out, expensive legal effort with little chance of success."
— George Bennett (@gbennettpost) November 20, 2012
Allen West: "this seat does not belong to me, or for that matter, to any individual. It belongs to the people"
— George Bennett (@gbennettpost) November 20, 2012
Allen West: "I want to congratulate my opponent, Patrick Murphy, as the new Congressman from 18th Congressional District."
— George Bennett (@gbennettpost) November 20, 2012
While West graciously conceded to Murphy, he made it clear that he’s not conceding the fight for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Conceding West: "As I did in the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan, just as I did on Capitol Hill, I will continue to fight for our Republic"
— George Bennett (@gbennettpost) November 20, 2012
Thank you for your lifetime of service, Rep. West.
Rep. Allen West is a man of honor, integrity, a hero to the conservative base, he's put his political neck out there to protect our freedom
— Anna M. Trujillo (@fllady59) November 20, 2012
Read West’s full concession statement here:
West's concession statement HERE:
— George Bennett (@gbennettpost) November 20, 2012
And the sore winners begin to slither out of the gutter, dripping with the usual sludge:
Allen (nutcase) West finally conceded. Don't let the door hit you where the Good Lord split ya.
— Pamplinlaw (@LesaPamplin) November 20, 2012
Allen West finally concedes!!!!! One crazy down and an entire GOP to go.
— Universal Woman (@universalisim2) November 20, 2012
FINALLY! Crazed Tea Bagging turd blossom Allen West has conceded to his opponent, Patrick Murhphy. A rather…
— PragProgPage (@PragProgForum) November 20, 2012
More “tolerance”:
Breaking NEWS: Allen West & his traveling jingaboo minstrel show have been cancelled!!! Reruns R available on pay-per-view 4 free!!!
— Jeremy (@JLWBurton) November 20, 2012
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