Uh oh. Obama adviser David Plouffe just stepped in it big time. Did we say “uh oh”? We meant “awesome.”
Do Plouffe and Axelrod really want to go there saying a candidate owns everything a supporter/endorser says?
— Seth (@dcseth) October 24, 2012
Evidently they do!
Plouffe on Trump: "Direct those questions to Boston because Donald Trump is Romney's biggest supporter so he owns everything he says."
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 24, 2012
Plouffe doesn’t need to bother with all that pesky thinking! Conservatives have this covered.
.@jaketapper Following the Plouffe Principle, Obama now owns everything Bill Maher says? Cool.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) October 24, 2012
You heard the man, Jake. Go ask Obama about everything Bill Maher has ever said during this election cycle! @jaketapper
— RBe (@RBPundit) October 24, 2012
And Obama doesn’t just own every vile word spewed by million mollar misogynist donor Bill Maher. Plouffe just set the president up to take responsibility for Eva Longoria’s bashing of conservative women and minorities, Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s daily inanity and much, much more.
@jaketapper So Obama owns what Bill Maher says, right? And Eva Longoria? And DWS?
— Sunny McSunnyface (@sunnyright) October 24, 2012
So glad to hear that Plouffe opened the door to associate Obama w/ Bill Mahr, Joy Behar, Eva Longoria, and hosts of other lib supporters.
— Juegos y los gatos! (@ArtrexisLives) October 24, 2012
Does Plouffe's comment that Mitt owns everything a supporter says mean that Obama owns everything Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro do/say?
— Seth (@dcseth) October 24, 2012
Oh, this is going to be fun. Pass the popcorn, please!
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