Joe Biden predicted some of “y’all” would end up in chains and he was right, wasn’t he, Eva? Whether Obama campaign co-chair Eva Longoria is wearing the chains of self-preservation or the muzzle of the Obama campaign is still unclear, but she definitely cleaned up her act last night.
Longoria has repeatedly landed in hot water due to her affinity for retweeting vulgar, hateful sentiments during the debates. She tried desperately to undo the damage by deleting the retweets and blaming Twitter gremlins, but her copy of “Damage Control for Dummies” steered her wrong again and again.
After a non-apology apology, Longoria laughably claimed she was merely trying to create “dialogue” by promoting tweets that bashed conservative women and minorities and compared the VP debate to prison rape.
So, did she manage to refrain from nasty tweets during Monday night’s debate?
Of course! By claiming her travel schedule prevented her from watching the final presidential face-off. After the final presidential debate kicked off, Longoria let her followers know she was totally watching their debate tweets, but she was stuck on an airport runway with no possible way to check out the debate.
Wow! You guys give great updates! Thank u! Love the support for Obama! I need to get to a tv!!!
— Eva Longoria Baston (@EvaLongoria) October 23, 2012
Despite being cut off from the world, she managed a handful of mild, unobjectionable retweets. You know, the kind that wouldn’t cause even fellow lefties to call for her resignation from the campaign.
@EvaLongoria POTUS is leading a strong and steady debate! #Proud of our #CommanderInChief. #RomenyWrong @OFA_NM @BarackObama
— Jocelyn Mund Kelly (@JMund12) October 23, 2012
Think spending time on Operation School a Hollywood Lib isn’t worth your time and energy?
Longoria may still be a starry-eyed Obama cultist, but she’s learned that the “era of one-way political monologues from Tinsel Town hypocrites is over.” As Twitchy founder/CEO Michelle Malkin wrote in her syndicated column last week:
It is not a waste of time to respond to Hollywood hatred of conservative women and minorities. It is a waste of the First Amendment to be silent.
Kudos to conservative happy warriors who schooled Longoria on the difference between lady smarts and lady parts.
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