Many Twitter bios claim a retweet is “not necessarily an endorsement.” But based on Eva Longoria’s other debate night tweets and her prison rape analogy during the VP debate, it’s a fair assumption she didn’t retweet this because she was disturbed by the condescending, vulgar sentiment:
And why shouldn’t the co-chair of President Obama’s campaign promote laser-like focus on identity politics? After all, the campaign encouraged women to “vote like your lady parts depend on it.” Ladies, don’t worry yourselves with the pesky the thinking stuff. Eva and President Obama have it all figured out for you.
Reminder: Campaign co-chairs like Longoria are recruited to “advocate for the president, advise the campaign and motivate voters.”
Evidently she motivates voters by reducing them to the color of their skin and whether their private parts are innies or outies. Women and minorities would “have to be stupid” to vote for Romney? Oh, the horror of individuality and free thought! Who’s got a War on Women?
We suspect you’d have to be stupid (or a left-wing partisan hack) to demand any race, sex or ethnicity march in ideological lockstep with a president whose policies have failed time and again to pull us out of an economic slump. And we’d love to see her evidence that Romney is a misogynist and racist.
Longoria also retweeted this bit of ignorant piffle from a Chris Rock parody account.
You know, because a move toward fiscal sanity would be catastrophic for the wimmenz, minorities and students. Not to mention the dogs.
And by the way, Eva, Obama ate a dog.
Longoria also tweeted this last night:
Agree baby! no one should be disrespect opinions! RT @lorenridinger: Sleep tight! Everyone peace with each other …
— Eva Longoria Baston (@EvaLongoria) October 17, 2012
“No one should be disrespect opinions.” Unless those opinions don’t conform to her vision of women and minorities as an ideological monolith. Then it’s a-OK to “be disrespect opinions.”
Twitchy founder/CEO calls out Longoria for calling conservative women and minorities “stupid” and for spreading lies about health care for women.
Obama campaign co-chair @EvaLongoria retweet: Women, minorities ‘stupid’ to vote for ‘racist/misogynistic’ Romney ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria You need to stop spreading STUPID lies/Planned Parenthood propaganda about GOP & cancer screenings ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria Mammogram screenings have DECLINED under Obama admin; Dem rationers promoting FEWER screenings ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria Conservative women will vote with their #ladySMARTS not their #ladyparts ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria Why don't you read the Mayo Clinic report on drop in mammogram screenings under Obama? HERE:
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria Oh, and hey, what's with retweeting such foul language about your opponents? Not very lady-like ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria You want to know how women/minorities can support Romney? Try debating one for once. Go ahead.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
Attention, conservative women and minorities: Here's @EvaLongoria spreading message that you are "stupid" ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
Does Longoria have the guts to respond to a smart, informed woman armed with those always pesky facts?
No, she'll just read another MoveOn scripted ad. RT @paulolim: Curious if @EvaLongoria will respond to @MichelleMalkin's twitter debate.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria FACT: Obama's hlthcare rationing panel wants FEWER breast, prostate, & ovarian cancer screenings ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
RT @Lindsay_Anne_M: .@michellemalkin it makes me sick how much of a bigot @evalongoria is. She is so offensive.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
RT @AudaciousChick: @michellemalkin @evalongoria We would be stupid to vote for @BarackObama but we are smarter than she is. #SmartLatina
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
MT @anabomb25: @EvaLongoria. Planned Parenthood. Kills more black babies. Hispanics next Have you read about Margaret Sanger?
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
Take a look – @EvaLongoria has long Twitter record of deriding conservative women/minorities for simply existing==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria Do you even know what US Preventive Services Task Force & IPAB are? Stop thinking w/ your #ladyparts ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria So you only respected "informed opinions?" Inform yourself about Margaret Sanger's racist agenda==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
No, you arrogant progs. It's not "trolling" to respond to femme bullcrap. It's speaking truth to Hollywood powder puffs.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
Hollywood Girls' Club for Obama needs to be beat back on their fraudulent policy lies. #ladysmarts > #ladyparts
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
.@EvaLongoria You can't keep disparaging conservative women & minorities with impunity. We won't let you.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
You know what @EvaLongoria & her Hollywood gal pals are waging? A conservative women/minority suppression campaign. #WAR
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 17, 2012
Conservative women won’t be swayed by Longoria’s pathetic propaganda campaign. The ladies of Twitchy will be voting with our lady smarts, not our lady parts.
Apparently Longoria could no longer dodge the logic bombs being lobbed at her by women exercising their lady smarts. She has deleted the initial retweet.
After claiming a Twitter gremlin was retweeting from her account, Longoria issued a faux apology on Thursday.
Eva Longoria says there’s ‘no way’ women can vote Republican
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