Call off the search parties! Chris Matthews’ missing leg thrill has been located. The runaway tingle was spotted this morning shivering its way up the thigh of Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher.
“Barack Obama is the personification of truth"-@tommyxtopher
[@Mediaite Whitehouse reporter]— Ed Shahzade (@Ed) October 4, 2012
Unfortunately, Twitchy cannot confirm the whereabouts of Tommy’s objectivity. Or self-respect.
Brainwashed. RT @Ed: “Barack Obama is the personification of truth"-@tommyxtopher
[@Mediaite Whitehouse reporter]— CatsPolitics (@CatsPolitics) October 4, 2012
Media suicide happening.MT @tommyxtopher: @soledad_obrien Thanks for admitting Barack Obama is the personification of truth. @TwitchyTeam
— War and Peace (@cynthharrington) October 4, 2012
Ever generous with his time, Ace of Spades helpfully retweeted the best of Christopher’s “spazzing.”
Sorry for all the retweets but I find spazzes hi-larious.
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) October 4, 2012
Tommy xtopher has 2 modes: Linking MSNBC videos, and "LIES! ALL LIES!!"
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) October 4, 2012
When Tyson bit Holyfield, the headline wasn't "Holyfield Gives Lackluster Defense Of Ear" #debate
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
The reason Mitt Romney won that debate: no one punished him for lying. Not media, not moderator, and not POTUS #p2
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
The media are supposed to “punish” presidential candidates?
@amsmadwoman @proobamaagenda even the MSNBC panel made the lies 2nd story. Except Rev. Al. He was all over it.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
Oh, Al. Bless his precious heart. And blood-stained hands.
Jen Psaki trying to convince @soledadobrien that Romney lying matters. Good luck with that.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
@rolandsmartin @Soledad_OBrien It's true that POTUS didn't punish Romney for his lies, but it's our job to do it now
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
Got that? “Real reporters” are tasked with the oh-so-noble mission of punishing Mitt Romney. It’s a calling.
@rolandsmartin @Soledad_OBrien The lies should be more than a side-bar. They should be the headline
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
@ChrisHolfelder @rolandsmartin @soledad_obrien @RalphSavino Well, they're supposed to work for the truth, so not for Romney.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
Romney's preexisting condition lie will kill people. Media & Jim Lehrer own that now. At least POTUS tried to fight it.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
Romney wants the people to diiiiiie!11!!1
@tommyxtopher you know what doesn't kill people? pompous idiocy. by those lights, i congratulate you for not killing anyone.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 4, 2012
@tommyxtopher i do. i know it's hard for you because there are two syllables.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 4, 2012
@tommyxtopher You're so…eloquent. What a prose stylist. How proud Dan must be to pay you $10 a week.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 4, 2012
@jpodhoretz if you don't like being told to shut the fuck up, try starting a conversation like a professional. Or a human being.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
Great, shitheel, then why are you bothering me? Not my fault I'm in your head. Happy to get out. @jpodhoretz
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
Today’s episode of Spaz Theater brought to you by Hope™, Change™ and Truth Personified™.
A tweet that speaks for itself:
Rev. Al Sharpton The Lone Voice Of Reason In MSNBC Debate Panel That Lost All Perspective [Column by @tommyxtopher]
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) October 4, 2012
Christopher took to Twitter to accuse Twitchy of lying.
lol, idiot @twitchyteam fascinated by my tweets, without context. Report the whole conversation, liars.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
@twitchyteam and this and this
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
@twitchyteam Ah, I see, they buried the context at the end. Still dishonest.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
Evidently we lied by including the very tweets he accused us of omitting. Hey, we’re no “personification of truth” like The One. Just ask Ellen Barkin.
"Ah, I see everything I said when I flew off the handle without reading is wrong. Still, that makes you liars, liars."
— Ursus, Director of Weather and Banana Programming (@AceofSpadesHQ) October 4, 2012
And then there’s this:
@Aurvant @TwitchyTeam Comment was clearly a joke about the tweeter's idiotic premise, not actually calling POTUS "personification of truth"
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) October 4, 2012
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