It was adorable. Progressives actually launched a hashtag that trended last night.
As Twitchy reported earlier, the Left used #overheardatRomneyfundraiser in an attempt to mock wealthy Romney donors who attended a fundraiser at David Koch’s Hamptons home.
Bless their precious hearts, they were aiming for comedy gold, and ended up with comedy tin foil. But less useful because we can’t use it to wrap our sammiches.
Mocking rich, out-of-touch donors? Hey, libs, we think you doth project too much.
Conservatives called out the hypocrisy and easily trended their own hashtag: #OverheardAtObamaFundraiser.
#OverheardAtObamaFundraiser Welcome to Zurich, Mr Clooney.
— Roland le Fartere (@Crapplefratz) July 9, 2012
#OverheardAtObamaFundraiser "I'm glad we have a president who's talking to ordinary, middle-class millionaires like us."
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) July 9, 2012
"I paid $35,000 for this dinner because I want the 1% to pay their fair share in this country!" #OverheardAtObamaFundraiser
— Mere Dake-O'Connor (@meredithdake) July 9, 2012
"$10k a plate and I can't even use a fork?!" #OverheardAtObamaFundraiser
— Jaci Greggs (@jacigreggs) July 9, 2012
"No, no, no it's a baby when a celebrity is pregnant. Every other time it's a fetus."#OverheardAtObamaFundraiser
— Savannah (@thesavvy) July 9, 2012
"Keep your offshore bank account on the DL." #OverheardAtObamaFundraiser
— Mere Dake-O'Connor (@meredithdake) July 9, 2012
#OverheardAtObamaFundraiser "We've got to give more to ensure Obama's reelection, so he can get money out of politics."
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) July 9, 2012
As a rich white actor making $20 million for 2 months work, I'm uniquely qualified to know what minorities need. #OverheardAtObamaFundraiser
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) July 9, 2012
#OverheardAtObamaFundraiser "So after the election, Sebelius will start handing out Obamacare exemptions again, right?"
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) July 9, 2012
The Republicans really dont understand poor people. Now pass me the caviar and pour me some more Dom Perignon #OverheardAtObamaFundraiser
— The Trump Prophecy (@TrumpProphecy_) July 9, 2012
#OverHeardAtObamaFundraiser "Yeah John Kerry has three times the wealth of Mitt Romney but he is not out touch."
— J (@JustenCharters) July 9, 2012
Of course, with Obama’s pathetic fundraising performance lately, the hypocrisy might not be quite that thick. But only because no one’s around.
And the conservative domination of Twitter continues.
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