ZOMG! The sugar! It’s coming to get you! And your little dog, too!
Since today is “National Donut Day,” some people assumed Big Doughnut would be New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s next target. Maybe he’d tweet a handy dandy chart detailing the tooth-rotting, waist-expanding menace of Krispy Kremes.
I wonder if Mayor Bloomberg outlawed National Donut day in New York… hmm
— Slappy White (@JMKIII58) June 1, 2012
BREAKING: ITs National Donut Day and Mayor Michael Bloomberg bans donuts forever. #SATAN
— Chris G (@Metsochist4Life) June 1, 2012
But they would be wrong. In between media appearances to promote his War on Supersized Joy, Nanny Bloomberg made time to celebrate National Donut Day.
Mayor Bloomberg celebrated "National Donut Day" this morning with giant donuts will trying to ban large sugary drinks, of course. #ofcourse
— Ryan Gorman (@GormoExJourno) June 1, 2012
Supersized doughnuts were used as props Friday during a Manhattan ceremony marking the 75th annual National Donut Day.
The event at Madison Square Park also featured a proclamation signed by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
The Mayor did not use his Twitter account to promote the National Donut Day proclamation. Fancy that.
When even Matt Lauer pointed out how ridiculous he is, Bloomberg replied:
One doughnut’s not going to hurt you. In moderation, most things are O.K.
And who gets to define “in moderation”? Why, Nanny Bloomberg, of course. Bloomie’s from the government and he’s here to help.
The absurdity of New York City’s Nanny in Chief did not go unnoticed:
Happy Donut Day from Mayor Bloomberg. He adds, "Happy You're Smart Enough To Elect Me, But Not Enough To Keep Your Ass Thin"
— Victor Alsobrook (@Victors2Sense) June 1, 2012
Bloomberg was at a program for donut day. Are you freaking kidding me???
— Jordan Levine (@LevineAJordan) June 1, 2012
Give us Big Gulps or give us death!
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